- ATMEL ATmega - a GSM Modem or Mobile/Cell- Phone/Handy (ME) that supports AT-commands on a serial bus and the SMS PDU-Mode according to standard GSM 07.05 - connection between serial ports, RS232 V24 level shifter for configuration,
- ecgbeat.m Author - Arun Kumar A , Santhom Computing Facility Email - aka.bhagya@gmail.com 03/07/09 Program to Calculate the beats of an ECG signal Uses Continuous Wavelet Transform Data file should be a csv file close all
- ecgbeat.m Author - Arun Kumar A , Santhom Computing Facility Email - aka.bhagya@gmail.com 03/07/09 Program to Calculate the beats of an ECG signal Uses Continuous Wavelet Transform Data file should be a csv file close all
- These wrapper functions will process standard user inputs and create TAPE5 files and run LBLRTM. This is a lot easier than figuring out what s written in the manual lblrtm_instructions. LBLRTM stands for Line-by-Line Radiative Transfer model. It
- 抢答器在各类竞赛中的必备设备,有单路输入的,也有组输入方式,本设计以FPGA 为基础设计了有三组输入(每组三人),具有抢答计时控制,能够对各抢答小组成绩进行相应加减操作的通用型抢答器;现行的抢答器中主要有两种:小规模数字逻辑芯片译码器和触发器来做,另外一种用单片机来做;小规模数字逻辑电路比较复杂,用单片机来做随着抢答组数的增加有时候存在I/O 口不足的情况;本设计采用FPGA 来做增强了时序控制的灵活性,同时由于FPGA 的I/O 端口资源丰富,可以在本设计基础上稍加修改可以设计具有多组输入的抢
- 本人编写上位机监控软件,利用微软串口控件,可以同时显示8路输入电流值,同时发送8路电流信号,同时具有数据保存功能。-I write PC monitoring software, using Microsoft serial port control, can display the current value of 8 inputs, 8 current signals while sending, but also has data storage capabilities.
- Mealy machine has outputs that depend on both the state and the inputs
- 利用QPSK仿真的通信系统;包括加噪、多径、信噪比。-Quadrature phase shift carrier modulation is used to represent the four different phase inputs of digital information, is quaternary phase shift keying.
- A collection of functions for programatically manipulating the structure and connectivity of Simulink models. In Simulink, models can be altered using a collection of built-in function calls (e.g. add_block, add_line) and by modifying block parameter
- 卷积编码,Viterbi译码:一个普适的有限状态机算法(LSM)。只要有一个LSM,能够受不同输入的触发,在各个状态间跳转,并产生输出,就满足可基本条件,可根据状态机利用Viterbi 来从污染的输出中还原输入 -Convolutional coding, Viterbi decoding: a universal finite state machine algorithm (LSM). As long as there is a LSM, different inputs can be
- Android项目源码基于安卓平台的文件加密其他功能如下:加密小软件。使用的是GBK编码.该源码分为6个功能。 1.文件加密。需要手动输入需要加密的文件名字,如果名字存在会进入加密界面,加密方式有3种 (1)DES (2)DESede (3)AES 输入自己特定的密匙还输入加密文件的名字。 2.文件解密。与文件加密类似。 3.可以对文件进行数字签名,签名认证和生成密匙。密匙的大小分为512 768 1024. 4.报文鉴别。可以生成鉴别码和可以鉴别文件。(两种类型MD5和SHA1
- 恩智浦官方例程,附有中文说明,适合学习。(This software was adapted to work with a Keil MCB1700 board and the Keil RV ARM C-Compiler with as few modifications as possible. Note that modifications are not optimal, because ARM is a 32-bit machine while the original
- 该程序基于MATLAB平台编写,实现了GPS/INS基于位置松组合的卡拉曼滤波算法,分为两部分,GPS_INS.m为组合算法主文件,输入捷联惯导平台实测数据,设置各量测噪声参数,在调用卡尔曼滤波函数进行数据融合校正,最后实现绘图功能;kalman_GPS_INS.m 为卡拉曼滤波程序,输入量测误差以及各噪声参数可得位置和速度估计值。(The program is based on MATLAB platform, and realizes the Kalman filtering algori