j2me游戏编程光盘源码,有完整的飞行射击游戏源代码,可编译,并在模拟器中运行,个人觉得是学习j2me最好的书籍-J2ME game CD-source programming, a complete flight shooter source code, compile, the simulator operations, personal learning J2ME think it is the best books
用Java/C#开发手机程序及移动应用光盘代码。J2ME核心类及MIDlet类;基于Java开发MIDlet程序;图形处理及低级事件处理;多线程编程;即时消息传送;I/O及网络编程;数据库编程;多媒体编程及游戏编程;基于C#开发ASP.NET移动控件以及适应不同设备的WAP应用;WebService及移动应用,包括:日程、天气、股票、地图、短信、IP等;其他高级编程技术应用等。-Using Java/C# development of mobile applications mobile pro
A source code from CD that was attached to a J2ME Game Programming by J. Wells. It contains a lot of interesting examples how to write a commercially successful game. Comment s within the source files will help to understand the programs and learn ne