- The intent of the software contained on this CD is to provide support for the material covered in the textbook. All programs have been developed and tested using MATLAB Version 5.2. Although the authors believe that all routines should be compatible
- 通过网站下得yuma数据,通过此编码转换,进入matlab,进行运算。注意不能有空行-Yuma data through the web site too, under, through this transcoding into matlab, conduct operations. Note that blank lines can not be
- Alternative good LDPC codes for DVB-S2-In our following paper, we find that the shortten codes of DVB-S2 have some problems,this program can provide a good DVB-S2 LDPC code without cascaded BCH codes. [1] Yang Xiao, Kiseon Kim, "Alternative
main code
- Size and complexity of data repositories collaboratively created by Web users generate a need for new processing approaches. In this paper, we study the problem of detection of fine-grained communities of users in social networks, which can be de