- source codes for point to multi-point Bluetooth transaction in Symbian OS. A good beginning to learn Socket programming in Symbian OS.
- MyEclipse,实现tcp socket连接的客户端和服务器端,能够传输文本或图片,服务器端有多线程和单线程两个,多线程的可以实现同时让多个用户连接,rar包内word文档中有简单的流程图和程序说明,代码较简单,适合初学者。-MyEclipse,tcp socket server and client,there are single thread server and multi thread server,you can get file through the tcp
- 基于多线程串口通信的生产数据实时采集系统,对系统在实现中涉及的多线程处理技术、串行通信、数据库访问技术和Socket 通信技术作了较为详尽的说明-Based on multi-threaded serial communication in real-time production data acquisition system, the system involved in the realization of multi-threaded processing technology, ser
- 本文结合汽车配件厂工厂制造执行系统(MES)的开发实践,介绍和讨论了一种基于多 线程串口通信的实时数据采集系统的设计和实现方法,讨论了在设计和实现该系统的时候必 须考虑和注意的要点,并对系统在实现中涉及的多线程处理技术、串行通信、数据库访问技 术和Socket 通信技术作了较为详尽的说明。-This paper introduces one of real time data collecting system which is designed and implemented
- symbian源码,包括symbian各种基本用法与实用引擎,包括UI编辑,socket编程,摄像头引擎,多视图等功能的实现,很好的学习symbian开发的资料-symbian source code, including the use of various basic and practical symbian engine, including the UI editor, socket programming, camera engine, multi-view features suc
- java 和android编写的socket聊天程序,实现多线程。可以点对点。也可以群聊-socket chat program written in java and android, multi-threaded. Point to point. You can also group chat
- J2ME 多线程、socket实现的聊天室,支持群聊、私聊及导出聊天记录-J2ME multi-threaded, socket implementation of the chat rooms, support group chat, private chat and export chats
- java聊天程序,用到了AWT,多线程,事件监听器,Socket-java chat program,Used in the AWT, multi-threaded, event listeners, Socket
- android实时视频传输demo(含服务端) 使用安卓相机捕获视频,基于socket建立于server的实时视频传输。Server使用C#代码实现,支持多客户端预览。-android real-time video transmission demo (including server) using the Android camera to capture video, socket built on server-based real-time video transmission.
- VC++局域网聊天程序源代码,是一个完整的VC++毕业设计作品。通过这个小程序的学习你可以学到如何使用套接字进行网络编程、自定义消息、多线程方面的编程思想以及学习使用各种控件。-VC++ LAN chat program source code, is a complete VC++ graduate design works. Learning through this small program you can learn how to use the socket network prog
Android 手机联网对战 中国象棋 游戏源码
- Android 中国象棋游戏 可以网络对战,分为客户端和服务端,客户端为 Android 应用,服务端使用Java语言实现,数据库为MySQL,使用到了Socket和多线程技术。(An Android Chinese chess game which can be network to combat, divided into client and server, client is Android application, server uses Java language, database