- 本程序用VB串口实现L了电源供应器的控制,可以给利用串口开发控制软件的提供很大的帮助-this program with VB Serial Port L of power supply control can be used to control serial software development will provide a lot of help
- Cypress Semiconductor makes a variety of PLL-based clock generators. This application note provides a set of recommendations to optimize usage of Cypress clock devices in a system. The application note begins with recommended termination tech
- 基于MU509的开发套件和源码,很有使用价值,直得参考-this is a sample for MU509 module,please download,thank you !
- UPS 不间断电源的串口通信源码, 带CRC16校验-UPS uninterruptible power supply, serial communication source, with a CRC16 checksum
- 该工程是一个FPGA的开发板 主要包括了FPGA芯片:EP3C25Q240C8 FPGA的配置芯片采用:EPCS16 USB芯片:CY7C68013A USB的FLASH采用:24LC64 AD芯片:AD9238 电源部分:LMS1117-3.3两块分别对USB、模拟部分和FPGA供电;LMS1117-1.2为FPGA核心电压;LMS1117-2.5为 IO口及PLL供电 9盏LED,4个开关 主要完成的一个功能是高速模拟信号的采集,以及上位机传输
- 易语言开发的串口AT指令帮助大家测试 AT+CGMI 获取厂商型号 AT+CGMM 获取手机型号 SIM的IMSI号 AT+CGMR 软件版本号 ATE1回显内容ATE0不回显内容 ATD+电话号码 拨号 ATH挂机 ATA接电话 AT+CPAS 获取当前状态:0无状态,4拨号中,3接电话中 AT+CSCA?获取短信中心的号码 AT+COPS?查询网络注册情况 AT+CBC查询电池电量 0:模块由电池供电,BCL为电量1:模块由外部电源供电
- 手机基本原理: ETACS、GSM蜂窝手机是一个工作在双工状态下的收发信机。一部移动电话包括无线接收机(Receiver)、发射机(Transmitter)、控制模块(Controller)及人机界面部分(Interface)和电源(power supply)。-The basic principles of mobile phones: ETACS, GSM cellular phone is a work in the duplex state of the transceiver. A m
- This schematic and Gerber files of PCB that is used for GPS tracking device with GSM link. Scheme has many valuable schematic features, like protected digital and analog I/Os, power part adapted for car power supply, etc. Can be used as a refere
- mtk 1389 pinouts and power supply
- 用multisim实现双电源供电的低通滤波器,最高频率是10khz-Multisim with dual power supply of the low-pass filter, the maximum frequency is 10khz
- ATMEL ATmega - a GSM Modem or Mobile/Cell- Phone/Handy (ME) that supports AT-commands on a serial bus and the SMS PDU-Mode according to standard GSM 07.05 - connection between serial ports, RS232 V24 level shifter for configuration,
- 直流电压单通道/双通道测量可选;自由设定两个测量通道的基准上下限;判断结果可以通过LED显示;测量结果通过RS232输出;宽工作电源:+4.0V---16VDC; -DC voltage single/dual-channel measurement options free to set benchmarks for measuring channel two upper and lower limits results can be judged through LED displa
- 该文档时用来开发电源模块使用的,和大家分享,共大家学习。-The document, used to develop the power supply module for use, and share, a total of all learning.
- 串口控制云台摄像头通过计算机发送控制指令到解码器再由解码器控制相应继电器到各个电源的开合。-Serial control PTZ camera control through the computer to send commands to the decoder by the decoder to control the corresponding relay to the opening and closing of each power supply.
- SaberDesigner应用参考(中文版),电源设计的好帮手。-SaberDesigner application (Chinese version), power supply design is a good helper.
- GPS模块的原理图,其中包括GPS射频拓扑设计,GPS基带部分设计和GPS电源供给设计-Schematic of the GPS module, including the GPS RF topology design the GPS baseband part of the design and the GPS power supply design
- 《模糊日程》源码。菜鸟小作品。可以实现拔下电源、插上电源、更换时区等条件下提醒日程。 实现得不太好,见谅-The fuzzy agenda "source. Novice small works. Can realize plucked off power supply, plugged in, replacement time conditions remind agenda. Achieve is not so good, forgive me
- 采用STC MCU开发的 一个稳压电源的项目你可以在里面看到LCM 等硬件的地产驱动。-STC MCU development using a regulated power supply project in which you can see the LCM of real estate and other hardware drivers.
- 软磁铁氧体磁芯产品 pdf文件,设计开关电源用-Pdf file ferrite core products, design of switching power supply
- 利用实验板上的XADC资源,对芯片温度、内部电源进行定时采集和监控,并把信息存入blockram,可实现翻看,并有按键消抖模块-XADC resource use experimental board, the chip temperature, the internal power supply timing collection and monitoring, and put information into blockram, look can be achieved, and a key