This is a Simulink Model I created for a Digital Communication Systems class. It demonstrates Carrierless Amplidute Phase(CAP) Modulation and uses a raised cosine pulse to implement a 16-QAM modem.
In this simulink model , 16-QAM modulation and demodulation is simulated .A square root raised cosine pulse shaped signal is modulated and given as input to the demodulator.The received signal
is demodulated and given to the detector where it is m
In this simulink model , QPSK modulation and demodulation is simulated .A square root raised cosine pulse shaped signal is modulated and given as input to the demodulator.The received signal
is demodulated and given to the detector where it is mat
Pulse shaping filters are used at the heart of many modern data transmission systems (e.g. mobile phones, HDTV) to keep a signal in an allotted bandwidth, maximize its data transmission rate and minimize transmission errors. Raised cosine filters for
用MATLAB画平方根升余弦脉冲波形(滤波器模型与仿真方法)-Using MATLAB painting square root raised cosine pulse waveform (filter model and simulation methods)
产生16QAM信号,用平方根升余弦滤波器进行脉冲整形,平方根升余弦滤波器产生16-QAM波形波形,画出眼图(16QAM signal of pulse shaping by square root raised cosine filter, the square root raised cosine filter to generate 16-QAM waveform waveform, draw the eye)
主要包括升余弦脉冲滤波器、平方根升余弦滤波器、 高斯滤波器(It mainly consists of raised cosine pulse filter, square root raised cosine filter and Gauss filter)