- 这个是symbian os 9.1 UI 布局的例子,适合初学者.-This is a symbian os 9.1 UI layout of the example for beginners.
- This C/C++ code example demonstrates porting standard C software to the S60 platform. In this example, an open source FTP library (ftplib and qftp) written in C has been ported to Open C. In addition, a simple UI has been written in Symbian C++
Mobile Paint
- This C++ code example demonstrates drawing and other touch UI features of S60 5th Edition with direct manipulation using
Mobile Paint Example
- This C++ code example demonstrates drawing and other touch UI features of S60 5th Edition with direct manipulation using
- android一的UI的学习例子,展示了ralative布局的使用-UI study android one example of the use of the layout shows ralative
- android 蘑菇街的界面,对UI入门学习很有帮助-android ui example like mogu street
- 功能丰富的串口通讯程序,界面类似Telix -Serial communication example with abundant functions, whichs ui is like to Telix
- Open C++: Memory Game Example This Open C++ example application demonstrates a simple memory game. The game engine part has been written in Open C++ and the UI part has been written in Symbian C++. The application supports S60 3rd Edition
- symbian中,可缩放UI的绝好例子。已适应手机各种不同分辨率-symbian can be an excellent example of scaling UI. Have to adapt to a variety of different cell phone resolution
- Symbian S60 UI training example
- This C++ code example demonstrates how to localise an application to adapt to the selected phone language. The example application has two sets of localised strings (English and German) for the application name, labels, text, and image. The applicati
- This updated C++ example demonstrates how to create multimedia messages using the CMmsClientMtm API. The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI. Important classes: CMsvEntry, CMmsClientMtm.
- This Symbian C++ code example demonstrates how to easily use the onboard camera with zoom and autofocus, utilising an accompanying CameraWrapper made by Forum Nokia. The Camera Wrapper supports all Nokia s S60 devices based on S60 3rd Edition and new
- symbian s60 第5版的一个示例,关于touch ui的例子-symbian s60 5th edition of an example, the touch ui example
- 这个程序是用来测试手机java虚拟机UI界面的程序-Demos midlet
- UI app example for iPhone or iPad: screen with button and text field.
- Android UI相關設計,詳盡,從初學到進階-Android UI example
- UI Example program in android.please download to see different UI in android.
- android界面设计经典实例,初学者作为参考,简单实用-android interface design classic example, as a reference for beginners
- android开发,卡片式布局,github上demo案例(Android development, card layout)