- 从串口读取数据,有两种方法,1、每接收一个EV_RXCHAR,就用ReadFile读一次,这样我觉得太恐怖了。2、接收到一个EV_RXCHAR后,等一定数据量的CPU周期(GetTickCount),再一次性读取缓冲区里的数据。这样做,一般情况下不会有问题,但是,如果数据很多,过了“一定数据量的CPU周期”,还没收完数据怎么办?就会少读数据了。 我用三个线程序来完成串口数据的接收,其实就是第一种方法的变种: 一个侦听EV_RXCHAR,一个对EV_RXCHAR进行分析,其实就是超时判断。如果接收
- 植物大战僵尸被本质就是一款塔防游戏的变种 塔防是非常适合触摸屏手机的一种游戏 而且非常的有意思。 代码相对比较复杂,能力比较强的同学可以尝试这类的应用-Variant of Zombies in essence, a tower defense game tower defense is very suitable for a game of touch screen mobile phone is very interesting. The code is rel
- 串口调试助手 发送二进制数,需要使用Variant变量矩阵,矩阵大小自动调节 -Serial debugging assistant
- getmywish结合visual basic60和msdn帮助,编写了一个两个串口的受到发送程序,该程序在win98,win2000,winxp下调试通过,希望和大家工勉-getmywish combine visual and VARIANT basic60 help prepared a two Serial sent by the program, which in win98, WIN2000. Debugging under winxp passed, and we hope tha
- Minimum Shift Keying (MSK), uses two frequencies which are separated by 1/2T and phase discontinuity is avoided in symbol boundaries. Further, MSK transmission can also be visualized as a variant of offset-QPSK technique, where sinusoidals are used f
- 参数时变信道的频率选择性和时变性。BPSK符号率=512b/s,采样率=16个采样/s,a1(t) 和a2(t) 为多普勒带宽=16Hz。结果为符号间干扰。-Parameters of time-varying channel frequency selectivity and time-variant. BPSK Symbol Rate = 512b/s, sampling rate = 16 samples/s, a1 (t) and a2 (t) as the Doppler bandwi
- j2me俄罗斯方块的变种游戏代码(海底俄罗斯),比较简单,玩过的童鞋应该都知道-variant of Tetris game j2me code (submarine Russia), relatively simple, played the children' s shoes should know
- 变型蔡氏电路的混沌保密通信,希望对通信专业的同学有用奥-Variant chuas circuits chaotic secure communication
- Tranter_Book Time Variant Channel Simulation Codes
- Option Explicit Dim vChar() As String Dim outbte() As Byte Dim snum As Integer Dim rnum As Integer Dim p As Integer Dim s As String Dim out(100) As Byte Dim varP As Variant API函数,用于取得Windows系统自启动以来所经过的时间(单位为毫秒) Private Declare Fu
- FTDI支持Windows CE D2XXAccess,使用c++列出设备,返回描述字符串,打开设备,设置波特率,读取数据,写入数据。这个代码也可以在c#和VB.net \Windows CE平台上使用。-his variant of FTDI s D2XXAccess example for Windows CE uses C++ to list devices, return descr iption strings, open devices, set Baud rates, read d
- 该项目采用的是Android原生截图库的一部分。这是使用GCC编译器的变种编译成ARM的可执行的C代码-This project is native part of Android Screenshot Library. It s a C code compiled into ARM executable using the variant of GCC compiler
- 本项目是一个基于gifflen开源库的gif合成工具,项目非常简单。可以合成sd卡下的图片为gif,路径可以自己修改代码,主要是giffen开源库的使用。代码中有详细注释,可供学习参考。项目默认编码UTF-8,变异版本4.4.2-This project is a GIF based on the gifflen open source library synthesis tool, the project is very simple. SD card can be synthesized u
- 本项目是一个系统工具,可以设置一个或多个我们信任的wifi热点(如家里的,公司里的),设置成功后,只要手机连着的wifi是已信任的,以后点亮屏幕都不用先解锁。(暂时只支持隐藏图形锁)工程中使用了v7包和cardview以及recyclerview。通过广播和服务来实现相应的功能,具体可以自己查看代码。工程编码为UTF-8,变异版本为5.0.1,附件里面的项目貌似有点问题,-This project is a system tool, you can set one or more we tru