- 本程序调用了微软自带的mscomm控件,实现com口的数据接收,读者可自行添加发送数据功能。内附mscomm.ocx控件及其注册方法,本程序是用的静态链接库,为的是能在没有vc库的机器上也可以运行,所以个头大了点。-Microsoft's own mscomm controls, I realize com data reception, readers can add their own functions to send data. Enclosing mscomm.ocx cont
- --收集的-----vc++mapx资料------ 给大家--- collected ----- ------ vc MapX information for everyone to s
- 在VC++中利用ActiveX控件开发串行通信程序 用VC控件MSComm编写串口通信程序的源代码,并写出详细的编程过程 一个单片机串行数据采集/传输模块的设计-in VC using ActiveX development serial communication program with VC prepared MSComm control serial communication program's source code, and write a detailed pro
- vc++6.0 开发的电力系统故障滤波数据管理系统-vc 6.0's power system fault filtering data management system
- 周立功公司的USB芯片ISP1581的EEPROM控制上位机VC编的原程序-weeks meritorious's USB chip EEPROM ISP 1581 PC control VC series of the original program
- USBPort的编译说明 -- 01(VC知识库) 1. 安装DDK 2. 把DDK的inc路径填在头文件的包含路径中 3. 把DDK的lib路径填在库文件的包含路径中 4. 注释掉原代码中的HIDD_ATTRIBUTES结构 // 不知作者为什么要添加这个结构定义 5. 添加setupapi.lib 如果不想安装DDK,就去掉前两步,但需要拷贝相关的头文件和库文件到工程目录 -USBPort compilers note -- 01 (VC Knowl
- 串口实现双机互联,仅供参考!VC控件MSComm编写串口通信程序的源代码,并写出详细的编程过程-serial dual-Internet for reference! Preparation of VC MSComm control serial communication program's source code, and write a detailed programming process
- 用VC控件MSComm编写串口通信程序的源代码,并写出详细的编程过程,仅供参考-MSComm control VC prepared serial communication program's source code, and write a detailed programming process for reference! !
- 用VC控件MSComm编写串口通信程序的源代码,并写出详细的编程过程,仅供参考-MSComm control VC prepared serial communication program's source code, and write a detailed programming process for reference! !
Dragon Fire SDK
- 你想开发iPhone程序而不会obj—c?又不想学,没关系,这是一款可以在windows下用vc开发iPhone程序的第三方接口程序,昨晚以后可以直接上传到官网生成应用程序,不需要使用xcode-You want to develop iPhone apps and not obj-c? Do not want to learn, no matter what, this is a can under the windows vc development of third-party iPhon
- VC串口控制加摄像头视频适合机器人上位机,只要适当改变active控件属性,就可以适应不同串口,很适合做机器人的上位机编程入门.,VC video camera plus serial control for robot host computer, as long as appropriate to change the active control properties, you can adapt to different serial port, it is suitable for r
- STM32的USB通信,基于HID的,不用驱动程序就可以使用-STM32 of USB communication, based on HID' s, no driver can use
- Symbian 开发的网格控件,类似与VC的Flexgrid控件,对于初学Symbian开发者,学习界面开发有帮助-Symbian development of grid control, similar to VC s Flexgrid control, Symbian developers for the beginner to learn interface development help
- BREW3.1窗口和控件的详细说明资料,就像VC的MSDN.-BREW3.1 window and a detailed descr iption of control information, just like VC s MSDN.
- vc++代码,测试过,表示感谢. 可以读取串口GPS数据显示地理位置,需要有外置的串口的GPS接收机连接电脑,在demo主窗口界面可以输出GPS接收的地理位置,经度纬度,时间等信息. 提供给大家深入研究,包含NMEA0183.LIB的源代码,以及SerialCom串口源代码-vc++ code, tested, thanks. can read the serial port GPS location data, the need for an external GPS receiver con
- 详细介绍了vc写usb驱动的资料,包括两个c++工程和一个word文件,需要学习udb驱动的朋友可以好好看一下。-Written details of the vc usb drive, including the two c++ project and a word document, we need to learn udb driver' s friends can make good look.
- USB HID source code for testing. Use it s very cleary for VC++ to test.
- 串口通讯,非常普遍而且重要的通讯,包括波特率,停止位,RS232和RS285等收、发协议原理及例子。 拷贝程序文件夹到计算机硬盘上,打开相关文件夹中的.dsw文件(Project Workspace文件)即可使用-Serial communication, is very common and important communications, including baud rate, stop bits, RS232 and RS285, such as sending and recei
- NFC烧录工具,实现一次性全部烧写的功能,主要烧写14433A的TAG-NFC burning tool, once and for all the programming functions, the main program the 14433A' s TAG
- 基于vc ++的GP S数据处理系统。简要分析了GP S接收机的接收的NME A 一0 1 数据格式, 提出一种采用串口通信 -VC++ S data processing system based on GP. A brief analysis of the GP S receiver receives the NME A 01 data format, proposed one kind uses the serial communication