- 1. 创建一个独立的线程类,优化游戏的状态控制; 2. Random类的应用; 3. 对象数组的应用。 -1. To create a separate thread type, and optimize the control status of the Games 2. Random category of application 3. The application of an array object.
- 1) 图像的基本操作; 2) ImageObserver接口、ImageProducer接口的应用; 3) FilteredImageSource类、ImageFilter类、CropImageFilter类的应用; 4) 帧图片数组的运用; 5) 碰撞检测。 -1) the basic operation of the image 2) ImageObserver interface, ImageProducer application interface 3) Fil
- 经典的mario小游戏,自己做的第一个滚屏类游戏,只设置了一个关卡,地图没有用编辑器,是用数组存储的。-Classic mario game, do their own first scrolling game, just set up a checkpoint, the map does not use the editor, is stored in an array.