- The idea behind differential GPS is to remove as much errors as possible from the range measurements by establishing these errors at a reference site. In its most simple setup, a GPS receiver is located at a well surveyed position and its (pseudo) ra
- 坐标系统的介绍 1.1 WGS—84坐标系统 WGS—84坐标系是目前GPS所采用的坐标系统,是由美国国防部制图局建立,于1987年取代了当时GPS所采用的坐标系统(WGS—72坐标系统)而成为GPS目前所使用的坐标系统。 WGS—84坐标系的坐标原点位于地球的质心,Z轴指向BIHl984.0定义的协议地球极方向,X轴指向BIHl984.0的起始子午面和赤道的交点,Y轴与X轴和Z轴构成右手系。WGS—84系所采用椭球参数为:a=6378138m;f=1/298.257223563。
- A Global Positioning System (GPS) is a device that uses satellite readings to determine a receivers’s geocentric coordinates (x,y,z) that is, the coordinates relative to the center of the earth (0,0,0). These measurements are accurate to at least
- In order to start using GNSS-SDR, you may want to populate ```gnss-sdr/data``` folder (or anywhere else on your system) with raw data files. By raw data we mean the output of a Radio Frequency front-end s Analog-to-Digital converter. GNSS-SDR needs s