- GPS 捕获程序,采用FFT搜索算法,搜索1024个码相位.-GPS capture procedures, using FFT algorithm, search phase code 1024.
- GPS信号基带处理方面在IEEE文章 信号跟踪和捕获-GPS signal baseband signal in the IEEE article, track and capture
- Presently FFT usage in GPS receivers has been a topic of extensive study and many improved FFT-based acquisition methods with averaging correlation technique also have emerged. Although averaging arithmetic can reduce the instant processing p
- Presently FFT usage in GPS receivers has been a topic of extensive study and many improved FFT-based acquisition methods with averaging correlation technique also have emerged. Although averaging arithmetic can reduce the instant processing p
- 在分析基于FFT 算法的GPS 伪码的快速捕获新方法的基础上, 通过传统的时域二维串行码捕获方 法和基于FFT 算法的GPS 伪码的捕获新方法所需要的运算次数的比较, 在理论上论证了新方法伪码捕获速 度得到提高的正确性和可行性。采用System View 软件仿真实验验证了基于FFT 算法的GPS 伪码的快速 捕获新方法理论的正确性, 得出新码捕获方法较传统的码捕获方法得到捕获速度提高的结论, 为GPS 接收机适应高动态环境做了理论探讨。-FFT algorithm in the a
- 基于采样率变换和循环卷积的GPS信号快速捕获。提出了一种适用于GPS软件接收机的C/A码和多普勒频移的快速捕获算法。该算法结合了采样变换FFT和时域卷积两种方法,提高了捕获速度和多普勒频移的精度。-Based on the sampling rate conversion and fast circular convolution of the GPS signal capture. Presents a GPS receiver software for C/A code and Dopple
- 描述了GPS中频信号捕获算法中的快速傅里叶算法-Describes the GPS IF signal acquisition algorithm of Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm
- Dual-line interpolation FFT harmonic analysis kaiser windows, Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program A fluid manifold learning algorithm (good use).
- ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp, K-means clustering algorithm based on the PSO, Classic GLCM texture calculation method.