- android快速入门 登录注册源代码 可以参考参考有注册和登录的功能。-Home Getting Started android source code can refer to reference
- 该源程序为某培训机构培训的关于Android手机上新浪微博源代码,通过参考该源程序,可迅速入门java android手机应用程序开发。-The source code for a training institutions on the Android phone Sina microblogging source code, by reference to the source code can be quickly started java android mobile applicati
- android2.2源码文件,解压到\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-8\sources,就能直接在Eclipse里链接源代码-android2.2 source file, extract to \ android-sdk-windows \ platforms \ android-8 \ sources, you can link directly to the source code in Eclipse,
- android经典例子源码,直接可以拿来使用,几乎涵盖了所有开发内容,强烈推荐!-classic example android source code, you can directly use it, covering almost all the development of content, it is strongly recommended!
- android 聊天软件源码可以帮助初学者了解程序的开发过程 激发初学者学习兴趣-Android chat software source code can help for the beginner to program the development process of the learning interest stimulate beginners
- asmack源代码 Smack库的Android版本,虽然Smack在PC上可以工作的很好,功能也很强大,但在Android平台上有一些问题,而导致这些问题的原因是Android精简了Java的类库,以至Smack使用的部分类库在Android平台上无法找到,所以Smack不能直接在Android平台上使用.但在2010年初,有人在code.google.com网站上发布了一个Asmack,其中A库就代表Android中的A,也就是说,这个版本是Smack的Android版本.可使用下面地址
- android坦克大战源码,可运行。界面漂亮,美观。是新手学习比较好的代码-android sees the source code can be run. Interface is beautiful, beautiful. Novice to learn the code better
- 《Android基础教程》的随书源码,可以方便学习该书的时候手动敲入源码出现错误时进行对比,也可以单独下载作为入门进行学习。-" Android-based tutorial" in the book with source code, you can easily learn from the book when manually typing error when comparing source code can also be downloaded as a separ
- android手机系统的音乐播放器源代码,从此播放音乐就可以用自己的播放器了-android mobile phone system, music player, the source code, from playing music, you can use their own player of the
- android 地雷游戏源码,拿出来给大家研究一下,在本人电脑平台上的环境中可以直接运行,直接用eclipse导入即可。-mine game android source code, look out for everyone, in my environment on the PC platform can run, you can directly import the eclipse.
- android源代码:Crowdroid是一个可以同时处理Twitter、Follow 5、Crowdroid for Business的多重微博客户端-android source code: Crowdroid is a can handle Twitter, Follow 5, Crowdroid for Business multiple microblogging client
- 说明 VT- 100终端仿真器与任何串行设备使用蓝牙串行适配器通信。 RFCOMM/ SPP协议仿真通过蓝牙串行通信。 您需要一个蓝牙串行适配器。 这是一个开源的应用程序。你可以得到更多的信息和源代码:-Descr iption VT-100 terminal emulator for communicating with any serial device using a bluetooth serial adapter. The RFCOMM/SPP protocol
- android平台开发之旅源代码,有兴趣的同学可以-Journey android platform source code, interested students can see
- foursquared android 客户端源码,以前下载的,现在都不能下了,想看的童鞋们可以看看,代码写的没法说。-foursquared android client source code, previously downloaded, now can not come, and want to see the children s shoes can see, the code can not write that.
- 这些源代码可以直接导入到Eclipse里面看,也可以直接编成APK扔到手机里面跑,只要你不觉得丑-The source code can be directly imported into the Eclipse inside view, you can throw cell phones APK directly compiled to run as long as you do not feel ugly ...
- 该源码为基于android2.0 的手机游戏开发实践宝典源代码,分为16个章节,共分成四个部分来详细的进行讲述,具有一定java基础的程序员可通过阅读相关源代码快速掌握android手机游戏开发流程。-The source code is for android game development.It s divided into 16 chapters, then divided into four parts to be described in detail For java progr
- 该源码为基于android2.0 的手机游戏开发实践宝典源代码,分为16个章节,共分成四个部分来详细的进行讲述,具有一定java基础的程序员可通过阅读相关源代码快速掌握android手机游戏开发流程。-The source code is for android game development.It s divided into 16 chapters, then divided into four parts to be described in detail For java progr
- 该源码为基于android2.0 的手机游戏开发实践宝典源代码,分为16个章节,共分成四个部分来详细的进行讲述,具有一定java基础的程序员可通过阅读相关源代码快速掌握android手机游戏开发流程。-The source code is for android game development.It s divided into 16 chapters, then divided into four parts to be described in detail For java progr
- 该源码为基于android2.0 的手机游戏开发实践宝典源代码,分为16个章节,共分成四个部分来详细的进行讲述,具有一定java基础的程序员可通过阅读相关源代码快速掌握android手机游戏开发流程。 -The source code is for android game development.It s divided into 16 chapters, then divided into four parts to be described in detail For java pr
- MTK源码分析 NucleusPLUS是为实时嵌入式应用而设计的一个抢先式多任务操作系统内核,其95%的代码是用ANSIC写成的,因此非常便于移植并能够支持大多数类型的处理器。-The MTK Source Analysis NucleusPLUS is designed for real-time embedded applications a preemptive multitasking operating system kernel, 95 of the code is t