- 这是iphone4编程入门经典之作《Beginning iPhone 4 Development Exploring the iOS SDK》(作者:Dave Mark | Jack Nutting | Jeff LaMarche)该书所对应的源代码。结合该书的详细讲解,源代码能够更好地便于大学对iphone4编程理论的掌握。-This is the source codes for the book "Beginning iPhone 4 Development Explori
- iPhone GPS and 指南针数据读取程序源代码 开发环境环境(Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 + Xcode 4.2.1 + iOS SDK 5.0)-iPhone GPS and compass data read program source code Development Environment (Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3+ Xcode 4.2.1+ iOS SDK 5.0)