- 用c# 写的游戏,应当仔细-used to write games, should look carefully at the
- 用JAVA写的, 很不错的 对于初学者很有帮助 在你学习累的时候可以玩一下 放松一下心情-written with Java, and very good for beginners helpful in learning tired of you can play with time to relax at the heart
- 吃豆子游戏的源代码。 嘿嘿,这个游戏本身就很好玩,别只顾着玩,忘记学习哦。 提示: 这个游戏比较大,我们打开VB工程组文件PACMAN PROJECT GROUP VB5.vbg 就能加载工程,然后看看怎么把几个VB工程组合为工程组的方法。-eat peas game's source code. Laughter, the game itself is fun, not just to play with, oh, forget learning. Tip : The game is
- 移动机器人遍历演示程序,在一未知环境空间防止多障碍物。移动机器人能遍历所有空间-moving robot traversing program.under a unkown space place many obstacles,the robot can arrive at every space.
- 扔炸弹游戏. 飞机扔炸弹游戏.扔炸弹游戏 -throwing bombs at the game. Aircraft throwing bombs at the game. JAKARTA game throwing bombs at the game
- Direct8.1SDK 游戏编程必备SDK 8.1版适用范围广些-It is an essential SDK in game programming, the version at 8.1 span a wider range.
- 一个C++写的俄罗斯方块的源程序,代码结构良好,玩游戏的同时能听见音乐,并且画面不闪烁。 -C wrote a Rubik's cube of the source, code structurally sound, play games at the same time able to hear music, and images not blinked.
- 用C++编的打字练习小游戏,可玩性到不是高,关键看看别个咋编的-C series of the typing exercises little game, that is not high playability, the key to another look at the series of the night
- 这个一款BREW手机游戏,游戏主要目的就是玩家扮掩消防员的角色,将大楼中的火扑灭,救出围困在大火中的人们-the new BREW phones, games, is aimed mainly at gamers play the role of fireman exposure to the building fire out and rescued trapped in the fire of people
- 滚球游戏意智游戏 问题描述 有八个小洞,序号和分布位置如图。小球从A、B、C(即洞号0、1、2)三个位置之一滚下。如果洞的状态为0时,球向左滚;如果洞的状态为1时,球向右滚。凡是球滚过的洞,状态取反(既由1变0,由0变1)。 现用8位二进制数依次从左到右表示八个小洞的状态。 例: 图中的初始状态为 00000101 时,最多滚入3个球时有 从C洞滚入一小球状态为 ————> 00101111 从B洞滚入一小球状态为 ————> 01111011 从
- I have just written this to acompany the asteroids example program. Its a simple PURE VB APP, no api or directx etc. Simply shoot the moving baddies, they stop at random intervals at this time they cannot be shot. So its a bit more strategic
- 一个外国人写的PS2模拟器完整源码,想研究的朋友可以看一下,我在vc.net下编译成功-a foreigner to write the PS2 simulator complete source code, to study the friend could look at, I vc.net compiler success
- 三子棋游戏(成龙棋) 在很多游戏网站上,都没有发现‘三子棋’游戏。这是我的家乡人们经常玩的游戏。 规则如下: 1)下子阶段:在这个阶段,只能下棋子而不能移动棋子。像五子棋一样,尽量使自己的子能凑成‘三’,当你的棋子凑成‘三’了以后,你可以把对方任一个子废掉(该子将会变灰色,下子完了以后,它将会被去掉)。 2)行棋阶段:下完子了,就进入行棋阶段。在这个阶段,不能下棋子而只能移动棋子,也是尽量使自己的子凑成‘三’,当你的棋子凑成‘三’了以后,你可以把对方任一个子去掉。
- QQ游戏连连看的*,点两下消一个,可根据对手的速度而决定自己的点击速度.不易被发现.-QQ 1000 block of Terry Avenue of the external games, two points under a Consumers, according to the speed at which opponents of the decision click speed. Not easy to find.
- “抓住它”小遊戲,a applet that plays a game called Catch the Crearure. have the crature appear at a ramdom lacation for a random durarion. the goal is to catch the creature by pressing the moouse button while the mouce pointer is on the creature-"seize
- 俄罗斯方块游戏经典之作,本人单独两个晚上完成,谢谢欣赏-Tetris game for the classic, I completed at two separate Thank you, appreciate
- 一款简单的数字练练看,没有复杂的图形,然而算法原理几乎是一样的。单个java文件就搞定!-A simple look at the figures and thought, no complex graphics, but the principle is almost the same algorithm. Get a single java file!
- Examining Content Types and Protocols at Runtime IN J2ME
- a day at the races codes
- 看看你的反应速度,flash开发的鼠标小游戏,初学者学习用。-Look at your reaction speed, flash development the mouse game, for beginners learning to use.