- This is a Win32 build of wxWidgets 2.6.2 for VC6, VC7.1, and VC8. wxWidgets is an open source GUI library. See http://wxWidgets.org for more information. You can download the source code for wxWidgets from http://wxwidgets.org/downld2.htm The G3
- 呵呵 程序在tc3.0下编译通过. 回车键 选关,我只做了两关, r键重新开始 p键悔步,只能悔五步啊.不过你可以 改#define STEPMAX的值 -Oh procedures under the tc3.0 compile. ENTER key election concern, I only had two clearance, Key reopen r p Key regret step, five-step can only r
- 传奇资源编辑器,可以查看传奇任何格式的资源,对于学习图片存储格式非常有参考价值。-Legendary resource editor, you can view the resources in any format legend, image storage format for learning is a valuable reference.
- 大名鼎鼎Asphyre的delphi 3d游戏开发引擎,可以的是不支持d3d8(direct8),现在可以了,经我修改使Asphyre能支持了-Asphyre of the famous game developer delphi 3d engine, you can not support the d3d8 (direct8), can now, with my modifications to make to support the Asphyre
- 完成局域网内五子棋的对战,可以喝朋友在局域网内进行五子棋游戏~!-Complete LAN Gobang the war, you can drink for a friend in the LAN Gobang Game ~!
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- < MUD游戏编程>>中文版,PDF格式。网上只能下载到图片格式的,我用wps做了个转换,大小只有原来的1/10。-< <MUD游戏编程> > Chinese version, PDF format. Can only be downloaded to a picture online format, I used to do a wps conversion, the size of the original 1/10.
- java五子棋源代码,可同时容纳50个人同时在线下棋,聊天。-Gobang java source code, can accommodate 50 people at the same time online chess and chat.
- 可以玩的斗地主游戏哦, 用JAVA编写, 包括全部源代码和资源文件-Dou Dezhu can play the game Oh, using JAVA writing, including all source code and resource files
- QQ炫舞全P*,可以全P,全GREAT,全GOOD,全COOL,全BAD,随即等等!-QQ-hyun dance all P plug, can all P, all GREAT, all GOOD, all COOL, all BAD, then so!
- 简单的二十四点游戏,简单的c++实现,c++课程习题解答。当然,也可以用来作为学生自己玩的游戏,自娱自乐。只是可能太简单了。-Simple two two p.m. game, a simple c++ implementation, c++ programs exercises answer. Of course, the students themselves can also be used as play games, entertain. Just might be too simpl
- qq炫舞 自动连P脚本 【使用说明】. 1、屏幕分辨率设置无所谓,刷新率随意;. 2、游戏设置窗口模式,速度最快;. 3、启动游戏,舞步出现时,按下F7启动脚本,脚本开始自动按方向键;. 5、游戏中途若要打字聊天或不想自动按方向了,可以按F9停止脚本,想用脚本的时候再按F7就好了。. . -Dance with Hyun P qq scr ipt automatically cf.. 1, the screen resolution setting does not
- 21点游戏规则:庄家给每个玩家发两张牌,牌面朝上;给自己发两张牌,一张牌面朝上(叫明牌),一张牌面朝下(叫暗牌)。大家手中扑克点数的计算是:K、Q、J 和 10 牌都算作 10 点。 A 牌既可算作1 点也可算作11 点,由玩家自己决定。其余所有2 至9 牌均按其原面值计算。目的是尽量往21点靠,靠得越近越好,最好就是21点了。在要牌的过程中,如果所有的牌加起来超过21点,玩家就输了——叫爆掉(Bust),游戏也就结束了。假如玩家没爆掉,又决定不再要牌了,这时庄家就把他的那张暗牌打开来。假如他现
- 这是一个劲舞团连p源码,可以让新手们立马变成高手避免以后被人欺负-This is an audition Lianp source code, can let novices will become master later to avoid being bullied
- 编写程序,可以实现m*n矩阵和n*p矩阵相乘。m,n,p均小于10,矩阵元素为整数。 分析: 首先我们可以根据题意写出函数头。可以定为void MatrixMutiply(int m,int n,int p,long lMatrix1[MAX][MAX],long lMatrix2[MAX][MAX],long lMatrixResult[MAX][MAX]),其中lMatrix1和lMatrix2分别是输入的m*n矩阵和n*p矩阵,lMatrixResult是输出的m*p矩阵。 因
- 游戏控制 W,A,S,D, P unit, pic, audio目录不可缺少 只用研究StillObject.cs Tank.cs GameForm.cs即可编程,非常简单 每一个类继承 LifeObject类 首先研究StillObject.cs 然后研究Tank.cs 其中重要的几点是 UnitID 表示物体对应的图片 放在pic目录下 Behave 每回合系统调用此函
- 简单的十字方块游戏 简单的十字方块游戏-With C# language the development COM (Componet Object Model Compon Visualbasic 6.0 software developm Copy files with progress bar (SHF Liquid phase used to manipulate the VC Office. The control with multi-ui as
- 网狐6603平台兼6878平台可用的国标麻将游戏,看清楚是国标麻将哦亲测可以用带高智商机器人陪打,有网狐平台的可以下来玩下。-6878 6603 Fox network platform and platform availability GB mahjong game mahjong Oh look is GB pro-test can be used to accompany the play with a high IQ robot with Fox network platforms c
- 这是一个图形化写字板。可用于婴幼儿教育学习阶段使用,对孩子是很有帮助的。-This is a graphic tablet. Can be used for infants and early childhood learning stage use, the child is helpful.
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