CSV互转工具 wxWYDToolKit.exe
- 656专用itemlist.SkillData.BIN----CSV互转,itemlist.SkillData.BIN----CSV互转
- PHP把数据导出为CVS格式的类, php de 经典实现!不要错过-This class can pull only the specified fields from a csv file. you can specify either the field numbers or field names to pull out. Also it can just show you a numbered list of the csv headers.
- 先运行server,然后运行client 客户端发送note.csv给服务器,服务器保存成临时文件tmp.csv,然后把他转换成 output.xml,最后发送给客户端,客户端保存成note.xml-First run server, and then run the client sends note.csv client to the server, the storage server into a temporary file tmp.csv, then he converted
- 天龙八部二进制配置文件读取、解析,并转换成csv文件(the read、parse and convert of the binary config file of the game tianlongbabu)