- 这是我以前数据结构的课设,做了一个礼拜 基本完成! 每次课设同学们都急的要死,闹心。我也同感! 我的原则是有东西就共享,不要管具体做的好不好 ,共享出来大家一起看,一起发现问题嘛! 本次设计 : 由于运动会的相对复杂,时间 大部分花在它上面,什么约瑟夫环啊 ,猴子选大王啊 ,本来就没什么很多代码。 实力问题,可能有不足,请指点-This is my data structure prior to the course set up, so basic a week! Ea
- 地形编辑器(可用鼠标调整地形高度) 开发工具:VC++2005,库:OpenGL This is a project I worked on for my Interactive Computer Graphics Class at Drexel University. The goal was to have editable terrain during runtime by clicking on the terrain to edit the height and textures th
- 上学时我用VB写的俄罗斯方块的源码, 主要是锻炼类模块的应用,逻辑层和显示部分分离,希望能审核成功-School I used VB to write the source code of the Russian box, mainly the application of exercise class module, logic layer and show a separation of part of the hope that it can audit the success of
- c++写的游戏编程书籍, 对初学者有一定的参考作用 主要是应用了mfc类库的知识 希望对大家有参考作用,平时我也经常查阅-c++ game programming books written for beginners of some reference value is applied knowledge mfc class wish to refer to the role we have in normal times I have had frequent access to
- 一个炸弹人游戏。 Super IsoBomb is a project I worked on as a class project in winter quarter 2002-2003 at college for my 2D Game Programming course.-Super IsoBomb is a project I worked on as a class project in winter quarter 2002-2003 at college for my 2D
- 实验三递归程序设计-走迷宫 实验课做的一个成品 希望对大家有帮助-Experiment 3 Recursive Programming- Maze I finished it on the Experiment class of c++ I wish it will help you
- 简单五子棋编码,只是主要编程编码和class文件-i don t know。。
- 这是一个非常基本的国际象棋程序2的球员。我是来弥补计算机科学使用工具中央结算系统图形包中的类图形程序。虽然这是一个易于使用的软件包,它是在它的使用有限。<br> <br>此程序有一些inherant limiatations。首先,因为只有JPEG支持可用,我不得不作出许多图像的两倍(因为JPEG格式不支持透明像素)。该程序将无法检测检查或将死,因为我没有时间来实现这些功能。正如您将看到,没有撤消功能。这可能是有点容易实现。最大的错误是我在作品的方式存储在内存中。他们居住
- 俄罗斯方块源代码哦 我上课时老师的实例,很不错-Tetris Oh, I source code examples of class teacher is very nice
- Thunder plane is a game programed in c and compiled using Turbo C 2.0. This is my homework in the class C programming language. I would like to share it
- 客户端一共有四个包,分别是control、model、ui和game,分别封装了与控制、模型、图形界面以及游戏相关的类,其中目前为止我的这个对战平台中只有黑白棋一种游戏,所以game包中只有一个包othello,里面是跟黑白棋游戏相关的类。-The client a total of four packages, namely, control, model, ui and the game, each package with the control, model, graphical in
- Notice: This very old code, made when I first learned to program. However, it still works for all current DMaps. This program reads a DMap file (From Conquer Online) and stores it into a 2d boolean array as coords[x][y]. The DMap class then prov
- 又一个贪吃蛇i游戏的源码,虽然每一款贪吃蛇的玩法都相同,但是编程的算法却不同,本贪吃蛇有要是应用到VC++的循环队列和简单链表原理实现的,用键盘上的W/A/S/D键分别控制蛇身移动,越接越长,在游戏开始前,蛇身、食物数量可以自己设置,提醒一下,这个游戏需要你的视力特别好哦,要不然看不清楚的。-======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION
- 游戏中由于自动控制相机路径的演示程序-Many people are impressed by realistic camera animations in games or multimedia demos. The math behind what is commonly called camera interpolation is actually pretty simple. In this article, I will focus on a simple algorithm that
- 用JAVA写的超级马里奥。 The code is basically undocumented, but should be readable anyway as it s fairly clean. The main entry points are AppletLauncher and FrameLauncher. The main game is in MarioComponent. "sonar" is the base of a software sound eng
- ### ### ### ### ### ### #### # # # Delta3D Examples: testApp # # # ######################################## Uses modules: dtCore, dtABC, dtUtil Purpose ------- To demonstrate basic functionality of the dtABC::Application class,
- 一个好玩的类QQ宠物游戏,我只完成了基本代码请多多指教。-QQ pet a fun class games, I only completed the basic code Please exhibitions.
- robots game for a class i had in 2008 developed in c-robots game for a class i had in 2008 developed in c++
- 刚学delphi不久,自己编写的最简单的贪吃蛇游戏。我这代码在高手眼中肯定很脏乱差,只能给比我还初学的人一些代码实例,里面包括我刚学会的类的概念,自己在另外一个pas文件里面编写了一个类,然后在主pas文件里面进行类功能的调用,刚学类的同学可以看一下。-Just learning delphi soon, I have written the most simple snake game. I am sure it is very dirty and messy code in the mast
- Cocos2D is a great framework for game development. Sadly it didn t contain one of the most required features for game development, masking. I ve written a class CCMask which makes masking in Cocos2D fairly easy.-Cocos2D is a great framework for game