- 这是一个蓝牙五子棋的手机游戏,大家来看看呀,这个一个用j2me写的 五子棋手机游戏,调试运行成功-This is a Bluetooth mobile phone game Renju, we look look, this one with the j2me mobile game Gobang write, debug, run a successful
- J2ME手机蓝牙五子棋游戏,小巧好玩,这是手机版的源代码,新手可以研究一下。-Gobang J2ME Bluetooth mobile phone games, fun compact, this mobile phone version of the source code, and newcomers can look at.
- 基于j2me的手机版蓝牙对战五子棋,包含完整源代码,资源文件齐全,如果有模拟机的话,可以直接运行。-J2me mobile phones based on Bluetooth Versus Gobang, contains the full source code, resource file is complete, if there is analog machine, you can run directly.
- 益智游戏五子棋的手机版本,支持蓝牙连接对战,基于J2me平台开发-Puzzle Renju mobile phone version of the game, support Bluetooth connectivity Versus, based on J2me platform
- Midlet for J2ME: This application search all bluetooth devices and saved Bt-address in file.-Midlet for J2ME: This application search all bluetooth devices and saved Bt-address in file.
- J2ME蓝牙实战入实例代码和参考资料。可实现两人或多人通过蓝牙通信的游戏对弈。-J2ME Bluetooth combat into the code examples and reference materials. Can two or multiplayer games via Bluetooth communication chess.
- 本文首先对J2ME体系、彩排游戏的玩法做了详细说明,然后采用面向对象的设计方法对游戏系统进行设计与实现,给出了游戏的运行效果和关键代码,最后总结了全文工作。本文把蓝牙技术应用到游戏上-This article first the J2ME architecture rehearsal game play do the detailed descr iption, and then using the object-oriented design methods of game systems d