- Java Chess, implemented with classes for every type of figure. It uses GNUChess, a matrix board. U can see the read me. Also has some tests.
- 一个基于java的小游戏,名为SlidingPuzzle。类似于拼图,只不过是换成将打乱的1-15的数字按顺序重新排列成4*4矩阵形式。-A small java-based game called SlidingPuzzle. Similar to the puzzle, only to disrupt the 1-15 replaced by the number of re-arranged according to the order of 4* 4 matrix form.
- Java编写的网页版魔方游戏,编译后生成.class文件,然后用HTML去调用,不过运行时候需要你的浏览器安装有运行Class的插件。Java源代码实现部分,比较有意思,也具参考性。像坐标控制、旋转矩阵、定时器、生成图像、数据初始化、矩阵乘法、坐标旋转、判断是否是顺时针方向排列、鼠标按下、放开时的动作等,都可在本源码中得以体现。-The Web version of the Rubik' s Cube game written in Java, the compiler generates
- java小程序矩阵画法 序矩阵画法 序矩阵画法-java applet matrix painting sequence matrix painting sequence matrix painting sequence matrix painting sequence matrix painting
- 清华大学2013年java小学期第2次作业.内含问答题与编程题答案。编程题题目是三个矩阵相乘和给出数独的所有可能答案。-Tsinghua University in 2013 java primary period of the 2nd job. Contains answers to quiz questions and programming questions. Programming topics are three questions given Sudoku matrix multi
- 一个点阵字库的java实现,可以实现汉字的点阵显示。用的是Applet实现。可以嵌套在网页中使用,丰富网页的内容-A dot-matrix font java implementation, dot matrix display Chinese characters can be achieved. Achieved with the Applet. Can be nested in a web page using the rich content of the page