- 这是用c++语言编写的在ScST仿真平台机器人足球赛一个比赛队提交的结果. 其中有一些人工智能的算法 值得一看.-This is the language used c ScST in robot soccer simulation platform for the team to a result. There are some interesting sites in artificial intelligence algorithms.
- c语言写的五子棋代码,在Tc下运行,简单易懂,AI强大,适合学习c语言和算法的初学者,Gobang language written in c code, running under the Tc, easy-to-read, AI strong, suitable for learning c language and algorithms for beginners
- 该源码为Thatcher Ulrich的游戏引擎测试器。是一个实验性和非实验性的面向游戏和图形的代码的混杂集合。可以利用该引擎LOD四叉树的算法。在大型3D游戏中,大规模室外地形真实感渲染是个室外渲染引擎的核心部分。而实现一个大规模的地形渲染系统的关键是怎么简化地形,抛弃不必要的渲染动作(如看渲染不见的三角形和不必要的细节)来加快渲染速度。 该代码支持3D网络游戏,有客户端和服务器端,语言使用c++,支持Linux, Win32,可以参考demo程序。 编译可以在Win32下,有Visu
- 这篇论文介绍了一种简单快速的动态流体的解决方案应用于游戏引擎。-in this paper we present a simple and rapid implementation of a fluid dynamics solver for game engines. Our tools can greatly enhance games by providing realistic fluid-like effects such as swirling smoke past a
- Written for the novice AI programmer, AI for Game Developers introduces you to techniques such as finite state machines, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and many others, in straightforward, easy-to-understand language, supported with code samples throu
- Exploring the world of game development with a focus on c++, this book explans the basics of mathematics as it relates to game programming, covers the fundamentals of c++, and describes a number of algorithms commonly used in games.
- 这是用Microsoft visual c++6.0编写的一款小巧的小游戏——俄罗斯方块,里面有高效的算法和数据结构设计-This is written in Microsoft visual c++6.0 a small game- Tetris, there are efficient algorithms and data structures
- 用c写的一款连连看小游戏,有代码有注释,很利于研究连连看的算法,以及新手学习c语言程序的编写。-A the Lianliankan small game written in c code annotated, it is conducive to the study lianliankan algorithms, as well as novice learning c language program.
- 用c语言开发编写的 贪食蛇游戏,很有参考价值,包含一些算法-c pivotal game written in language development, great reference value, contains a number of algorithms
- 用c语言开发编写的 仿真计算机游戏,很有参考价值,包含一些算法-Simulation computer game written in c language development, great reference value, contains a number of algorithms
- 五子棋游戏,实现人人对战,和人工智能算法,即实现人和电脑对战,采用c实现-Backgammon games, all Battle, and artificial intelligence algorithms, and play against the computer, using c to achieve
- 计算机人机对弈是人工智能的主要之一,作为人智能研究的一个重要分支,计算机博弈是检验人工水平的一个重要方面。它的研究为人工智能带来了很多重要的方法和理论,产生了广泛的社会影响和学术影响。 研究其计算机算法,可以让我们看到人工智能的初影,也有助于我们人脑的开发。 五子棋机器博弈系统以java及c/c++语言作为开发语言,系统支持通常的人机对战外还支持远程人人对战及远程机器对战,可以动态添加好友,修改个人信息,具有很强的实用性,采用动态链接技术实现人工智能模块的加载,降低了人工智能模块更换的代价,提高