- Jarkanoid is a Java arkanoid game with bouncer physics, bonuses, customizable walls and clean code. Useful as an educational tool on simple game design. Also my early Java university project. You can still see the early bits of documentation (in poli
- 用JAVA写的超级马里奥。 The code is basically undocumented, but should be readable anyway as it s fairly clean. The main entry points are AppletLauncher and FrameLauncher. The main game is in MarioComponent. "sonar" is the base of a software sound eng
- 这是一篇描述Unrealscr ipt编程语言的技术文档。它不是指南,也没有提供有用的Unrealscr ipt代码的详细例子。要获得Unrealscr ipt的例子,读者可以参考引擎的源代码,它提供了成千上万行的有效代码,用来解决许多例如AI、运动、武器装备和触发事件等很多问题。最好的入门方式是查看"Actor"、"Object(物体)"、 "Controller(控制器)"、 "Pawn(士兵)" "Weapon(武器)"的脚本。 本文档假设读者使用过C/C++或 Java编程语言、熟