Quake2Source for delphi v3.21
- Quake II 的源码,项目在http://www.sulaco.co.za/quake2/,这是for delphi版本的
- 这个是网上流传的 飞尔引擎源代码,很多朋友编译后没却进不了游戏主要是缺东西 DBERVER 缺少的部分我已经回复 M2主引擎 因为用啦插件导致的网关不能打开,很多人都卡在这里啦,我把限制去掉啦,并恢复啦网关通讯 大家下载后编译就可以进游戏啦,其他登陆网关,游戏网关账号服务器,到网上搜下,很容易找到,我就不发布啦!! 弄传奇真彩 实在没弄明白,如果有朋友会,还请赐教!!本人QQ:80090905 交流论坛:http://bbs.yiqipk.com ,This is circula
- MapleStory Emulator source found in google. used HGE engine and code in delphi. Test good but i m not found resource of this game. i can t found this file in "http://en.pudn.com/" so i uploaded to this site.
- delphi 2.0 version of Qings hitrat game works under windows 3.1/win32s ---------------------------------------------- It is a small but funny game.The idea comes from a VB game tutorial at http://www.advantage.co.nz/ur/ The object of