- 用开发的新版贪吃蛇游戏,支持连网功能,并可由玩家选择主角的外观和食物的外观.-with the development of the new Snake games, support networking function, players can choose from the protagonist's appearance and the appearance of the food.
TCS 2005
- 贪吃蛇2005 + 源程序 贪吃蛇 一个经典的小游戏,本人精心制作,相信会比其它所谓的贪吃蛇效果好很多。希望大家能提出更多宝贵的意见。游戏规则: 利用方向键控制蛇头运动,当蛇头碰到食物即吃到食物,获得积分; 在此过程中不允许蛇头出界或碰到身体,否则游戏结束。基本操作: 程序运行后输入数字0-9,选择级别;任何时候按Esc键即退出游戏;用键盘方向键控制蛇头运动方向;按任意键暂停,方向键和组合键除外;暂停后,按方向键继续游戏;出错后会出现是否继续游戏的提示,Y继续,N结束。
- 简单的游戏,用javabuilder开发,模仿生态环境食物链。-simple game with javabuilder development, the ecological environment imitate the food chain.
- In this game, you must assist a monkey in collecting food as it falls from the Tree of Life to feed the starving populace of Hungry Monkey Island. To help you, there are several powerful Runes which can unleash special powers that aid you in collecti
- 贪吃蛇游戏 通过方向键控制蛇运动的方向,使蛇吃到更多的食物 -Snake game controlled by the direction keys movement in the direction of the snake, a snake to eat more food
- 一个简单的迷宫冒险游戏。玩家要在避免被屠夫抓住的同时吃掉屏幕中不断出现的食物。。。要编译这个游戏,需要安装DirectX 8.0 SDK或以上版-a simple maze adventure game. Players must avoid being a butcher at the same time seize the screen continually eaten the food. . . To build this game and need to install DirectX
- 一个使用VC6.0开发的小游戏-减肥蛇,它与传统的贪吃蛇有所不同,它要在规定的时间内吃掉足够多的食物来将自己瘦身,否则将会失败,程序中的参数可以根据需要自行设置-VC6.0 use of a small development of the game - slimming snake, it's a huge memory and tradition is different. It should be the required time to eat enough food to it
- 苹果是红的 杯子是装水的 椅子是用来坐的 食物是吃的 三角形有三个边 苹果是什么样的, 苹果是圆的 吃肉的动物是食肉动物 科学家是有智慧的人 科学是改造自然的学科-apples are red cup of water is used chairs sit in the food to eat triangle has three edge is what Apple The apple is round meat animals ar
- Linux下使用ncurses库制作的贪吃蛇的游戏,实现随机出现4种不同食物,实现加速、减长两种道具功能-Linux use ncurses library produced by the huge memory of the game, realize there were four different kinds of food, to achieve accelerated, reducing long two props function
- 偷菜,这是一个不错的源码以及教学,不过只是一个小小的部分。希望大家一起研究研究-Stealing food, this is a good source as well as teaching, but only a small part. With research research
- 貪吃蛇游戲,可以自由的操縱蛇,進行吃食物,有加長和加速兩種寶物-Snake games are free to manipulate the snake, to eat food, have extended and accelerated two treasures
- 游戏人物有了,下一步就是去到处杀怪获取食物和金钱的时候!这个程序就是描述了游戏人物到处杀怪的状态!-With the game characters, the next step is to go everywhere access to food and money杀怪time! This procedure is described杀怪game characters around the state!
- 贪吃蛇游戏,实现上下左右四个方向的运动,实现运动速度控制,蛇在吃到食物后会长长,吃到一个食物后会长长一个单位,记分功能-Snake Game, realize the four directions of up and down about sports, sports achieve speed control, a snake eating food at long after, food to eat after a long a unit, function points
- 项目描述:贪吃蛇游戏,实现了蛇,食物,界面等对象。实现了蛇的移动,食物的随机出现以及蛇吃食物变长和蛇移动,食物的随机出现以及蛇吃食物变长和蛇移动到界面外死亡的功能,本项目主要是练习 面向对象的思想,SWING,多线程,事件监听,容器,泛型以及接口的使用等 -Project Descr iption: Snake game, achieve a snake, food, and other interface objects. Implementation of the snake mov
- 贪吃蛇源程序 本程序为贪吃蛇游戏,想必大家都玩过这个游戏,程序源代码用TC2.0编译通过,需要图形驱动文件的支持,在TC2.0的集成环境中有. 本程序利用数据结构中的链表,来将蛇身连接,同时当蛇吃到一定数目的东西时会自动升级,及移动速度会加快,程序会时刻将一些信息显示在屏幕上,包括所得分数,要吃多少东西才能升级,并且游戏者可以自己手动选择游戏级别,级别越高,蛇的移动速度越快. 另外,此游戏可能与CPU的速度有关系.-/* in the begin,there is only a
- 贪吃蛇功能:蛇能吃食物,并且吃到食物后蛇能长大。-Snake functions: snakes can eat food, and eat food to grow up a snake.
- 初学VC++两个月写的五子棋附上源码,看上去还不错,可以设置难度,改悔棋等,不过运行时候发觉有些顿,不知何故,希望高手指点,也希望能对和我一样菜的新手一点启发。-VC++ for two months learning to write the source code attached Gobang, looks good, you can set the difficulty to悔棋and so on, but found time to run some of Dayton, I do n
- 贪吃蛇游戏 操作方法: 键盘方向键控制蛇的运动方向。 蛇吃到食物时,计分器会加10分,同时蛇身加长一截。 窗口左上角显示当前分数。 如果蛇碰撞到自身或窗口边界,报出分数,游戏结束。 编写思路: 容器对象actors:索引 对象 类名 0 分数 Score 1 食物 Food 2 蛇头 SnakeHead (Snake类的子类) 3 蛇身(蛇的第二截) Snake 4 蛇身(蛇的第三截)
- 易语言开发的一个简易登录www.kaixin001.com偷菜,买种子的例程-Yi language development of a simple log www.kaixin001.com steal food, to buy seeds routine
- c语言编写,适合初学者的趣味小程序。用j、l、i、k四键控制老鼠在任意方向偷菜,老鼠沿任意复杂路线走到出口,老鼠遇见猫后可逃到出口而不迷路。-c language, suitable for beginners interesting small programs. With j, l, i, k four-button control mice stealing food in any direction, the mice went along exit routes of any comp