- 鼠标右键的功能没写进去,这个程序主要是练下鼠标操作的,其中显示空白区域还用了个第归,写得比较简单.望大家多多指教.-right mouse button functions not included, the process is essentially practicing mouse to operate, It shows that the regional gap was spent under section 000, written in relatively simple. we
- 主要功能实现二人对弈,人机对弈,可以悔棋.其中关于人机对弈,我用了一个权值进行比较来实现,就是对双方(双二,双三,双四,冲二,冲三,冲四)(当然每种情况的分值都有悬殊)的和来比较大小,取最大的那个点,智能算中下.-achieve two main functions, plays, man-machine game, he never cheat in spain. Which players on the plane, I use the weights for a comparison to
- 实习时做的空档接龙纸牌游戏,仿Windows系统的,可以玩的,大家可以参考下-When to do internship gap Solitaire card games, like Windows system, you can play, everyone can refer to the next
- 系统会随机产生1个各位互相不相同的4位数,然后你有 10 次机会去猜, 每一次猜测后系统会自动的给出提示----离答案的差距. -Will be randomly generated each one that is not the same 4-digit, and then you have the opportunity to em guessing 10 times, each time the system will automatically guess the answer fr
- 这是一个小游戏,叫做俄罗斯方块。你可以改变不同形状的方块来搭建,如果每行都被搭满无任何空隙,那么这行上的小方块就会被消除,直到你无法在搭建,就算游戏失败。-This is a small game, called the tetris. You can change the different shapes of square to build, if each line is set full without any gap, then this line of small square wi
- 用C++实现的贪吃蛇小游戏,效果还可以,但还是感觉和游戏机里面的有点差距,传上来和大家一起探讨。-C++ implementation of the Snake game, the effect can be, but still feel a little gap and game consoles inside, pass up and we explore together.
- Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap, Foreign materials inside the source code, Minimum mean square error MSE calculation algorithm.
- It has a wealth of parameter options, Codec ldpc code implementation Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap.