- This a two player JAVA chess board simulator program which can be used to play chess of two human player in a single computer. It also can save your plays and has a replay option. -This a two player JAVA chess board Simula tor program which can be us
- 用java编的中国象棋录像播放器Chinese_Chess_Demo 原创-with java series of the Chinese chess video player Chinese_Chess_Demo original! !
- \"比心算\"是一个锻炼玩家心算和快速反应能力的游戏,非常适合java初级学习者,能够通过编写提高对数组,字符串与异常处理的能力.PS:我也是个java爱好者,希望与大家共同进步.-"than mental arithmetic" is a player mental arithmetic training and rapid reaction capability of the game and are very suitable for java primary lear
- \"pictureRecreator\"也是一个很适合java学习者的小游戏,这个游戏将一副大图打散成9张,然后任意挑选8张出来,让玩家通过键盘和鼠标来控制图片移动,最后将它复原.-"pictureRecreator" is a very suitable for learners of small java games, the game will be a big map separated into nine, and then a random selection o
- 这是一个用java编译的简易游戏-有趣的拼图,实现了GUI美化界面,是您在工作的同时供您娱乐-This is a simple game with Java compiler-interesting puzzles, achieve beautification the GUI interface, is in your work at the same time for your entertainment
- java写的围棋游戏的小程序,谁先被吃子谁输,-Chinese gobang game program writed by Java, and a player will be lost the game when he is eaten first
- Game-俄罗斯方块 1.方块会从区域上方开始缓慢继续落下。 2.玩家可以做的操作有:以90度为单位旋转方块,以格子为单位左右移动方块,让方块加速落下。 3.方块移到区域最下方或是着地到其他方块上无法移动时,就会固定在该处,而新的方块出现在区域上方开始落下。 4.当区域中某一列横向格子全部由方块填满,则该列会消失并成为玩家的得分。同时删除的列数越多,得分指数上升。 5.当固定的方块堆到区域最上方,则游戏结束。-Game-Russian box 1. Box from th
- This java program is a guessing number game were player will guessing number in a range of 1 to 100...have fun... :)
- This program implement tic tac toe game in small score.This game has two player. every player in turn choose a row and a column. The game board is 3*3.
- 简单的手机游戏,深海大战,潜艇游戏 玩家:玩家可以控制自己的船只在手机屏幕上进行左右移动;玩家船只可以发射鱼类攻击敌方潜艇;玩家通过攻击敌方潜艇增加己方的分数;玩家通过增加分数闯关;玩家被攻击到一定程度时,游戏将结束。敌方:敌方不受玩家控制,由该系统对地方各种行为进行设置。-A simple cell phone games, deep World War II, the submarine gamers: players can control their own vessels on t
- A game about snakes and ladders. using Java. single player only-A game about snakes and ladders. using Java. single player only
- A game about snakes and ladders. using Java. single player only-A game about snakes and ladders. using Java. single player only
- 五子棋游戏 在一个N * N的棋盘上,任意同色的棋子在某一方向连续排列5个的一方赢得游戏。 【功能提示】 (1) 可以人机对战。 (2) 可以双人对战 (3) 可以设置单步超时(例如超时者视为放弃当歩操作的权利,或者程序随机替游戏者下一子) (4) 基于局域网的网络对战版(可选) 其它功能可自行扩展。 -Backgammon game in a N* N chessboard, any pieces the same color arranged in a row i
- 自己做的java小游戏,连连看,高达的图标,喜欢高达的朋友可以看一下,还有音乐播放功能,不过磁盘没有分区的朋友可能会听不了,因为自己设定的是d盘。-To do their own java game Lianliankan, up to the icon, like the Gundam friends can look up to, and music player, but there is no disk partition friends might not hear, because
- 五子棋,当一条直线或斜对有五个同色的棋子就判定玩家赢-Backgammon, when a straight line or inclined to have five pieces on the same color to determine the player wins
- This an artificial intelligent Ludo game There are fout players. By default, one is human player and the other three are artificial players. We have developed it for our Artificial Intelligent Term Project.-This is an artificial intelligent Lud
- 只要将相同的两张牌用三根以内的直线连在一起就可以消除,规则简单容易上手。游戏速度节奏快,画面清晰可爱,适合细心的玩家。丰富的道具和公共模式的加入,增强游戏的竞争性。多样式的地图,使玩家在各个游戏水平都可以寻找到挑战的目标,长期地保持游戏的新鲜感。 -As long as the same two cards with three or less straight line can be eliminated together, simple and easy to use rules. F
- 本源代码实现的是一单机双人对战五子棋游戏 本源代码由五个java源程序文件组成,Game.java、GameFrame.java、GamePanel.java、 ChessMan.java、Player.java -Source code to achieve is a stand-alone double play backgammon game. Source code by five java source files, Game.java, GameFrame.java, Ga
- 本次设计的游戏是俄罗斯方块,能基本达到俄罗斯方块的游戏性,需求分析如下: (1)由方块组成的不同的随机图形会从区域上方开始缓慢落下。 (2)玩家可以做的操作有: 以90度为单位旋转每一格块。 以各自为单位左右移动方块,并且能控制方块下落的速度。 可以随时暂停和继续游戏,以及重新开始游戏。 (3)方块移到区域最下方或是在其他方块上方时就停止移动固定在该处,此时新的随机图形会出现在区域上方继续落下。 (4)当区域中某一行全部被各自填满时,则会自动消除该行并为玩家计分
- 使用java实现坦克大战,只有一个关卡,玩家通过按wsad来上下左右移动,按j射击(Use java to achieve tank battle, there is only one level, the player by pressing wsad to move up and down, press j shooting)