- We are given two 3-digit numbers called S (start) and G (goal), and also a set of 3-digit numbers called forbidden. To solve the puzzle, we want to get from S to G in the fewest possible moves. A move consists of transforming a number into anothe
- version 0.5: + Deep reorganization of the code: - Created the business objects in PHP (e.g. Character, Player, Map) - All procedural code was transformed into methods of its respective classes - Added a database layer (Data Access Objec
- 公司准备出一款中世纪背景的战略游戏。主要兵种有骑士,弓箭手,步兵。每个兵种有血(80-200),防御(0-5),攻击力(8-20),造价(50-200)等基本数据(可选射程,速度也可以增加其他属性),而兵种间又有相生相克,步兵克骑兵克弓箭克步兵。 游戏策划同时要求骑士要血,功,防等指数相对优秀,但是造价高昂,步兵指数一般,但是造价低,弓箭手造价一般,但是血和防御很低。本项目需要完成的主要任务有任务: 1:假设各个数据和数量给定,模拟两军交战场面(1000vs1000)。 2: 给定金