- 拼图游戏,原理:将原图切分成预先设定的若干块,然后用一个Bitmap数组来管理,每个Bitmap对象管理一个图块-pieces of the jigsaw principle : the maximum cut into the pre-set number of pieces, then use a Bitmap array management, each a Bitmap object management Segment
- 网狐平台四张梭哈(服务段和客户段)供大家参考学习-Network Fox platform four Stud (service segment, and customer segment) for your reference study
- 这是段关于五子棋的Java源代码,棋子为黑子和白子,是人和人互奕-This is a segment of the Java source code on the backgammon, the pieces for the sunspots and the white out, is the human person and each Yi
- dota是一个很受欢迎的游戏,可是魔兽自带的局域网的联机搜索只能看见同一个网段的主机,这给玩家带来的很大的不便,这是一个用java写的dota对战平台,让不是同一网段的主机也能联机游戏-dota is a very popular game, but comes with the LAN Warcraft online search could only see the same network segment of the host, this has caused great inconve
- 函式庫與硬體: ANSI C Dos 6.0 Neo SDK 8255A 教學發展板 說明: 此為以Dos 6.0為平台Turbo C寫的小遊戲, 這次是使用開放源碼的neo SDK來進行程式, 其一開始您必須先選擇你想要的玩家(共有兩種選項,其選擇由按鈕2、4 控制方向),選擇完 之後按下確定鈕3,及遊戲開始進入計分模式。當按下鈕2 時人物向左移動;當按下鈕4時人 物向右移動。遊戲開始,有漢堡、餅乾、三明治等食
- 校园魔兽跨网段连接,包含很多著名大学的网段-World of Warcraft to connect across the campus network segment that contains a lot of famous universities segment
- 这是我做的贪食蛇游戏,在游戏中属于比较简单的,只有近500行,主要设计思想是以数据段的数值 作为80*25屏幕上的坐标,然后用一些中断将其显示就行。所以编程时主要考虑对数据段中数据的改变 对于贪食蛇这款游戏,核心思想是控制“蛇头”(第一个数)的变化,而蛇身只要跟着蛇头移动就行-This is a pivotal game that I do in the game are relatively simple, only about 500 lines, the main desig
- 我是新人,很高兴通过朋友介绍得知这个网站。动态显示的特点是将所有位数码管的段选线并联在一起,由位选线控制是哪一位数码管有效。这样一来,就没有必要每一位数码管配一个锁存器,从而大大地简化了硬件电路。选亮数码管采用动态扫描显示。所谓动态扫描显示即轮流向各位数码管送出字形码和相应的位选,利用发光管的余辉和人眼视觉暂留作用,使人的感觉好像各位数码管同时都在显示。动态显示的亮度比静态显示要差一些,所以在选择限流电阻时应略小于静态显示电路中的。 -I was new, I am glad that t
- linux下QT开发的局域网网络五子棋对战游戏,可以订制游戏规则,程序可以自动匹配玩家,源码中需要根据所在的网络修改所在的网段-QT development under linux LAN network Gobang war games, rules of the game can be customized, the program can automatically match player source code need to be modified where the network
- 连连看小游戏,实现了相同图片在最多两个拐点的情况下消除的功能,并且绘出连接两图片的线段,点击时有背景音乐。当点击两张不同图片时,将第二张默认为下一次消除的第一个点击图片-Lianliankan game, implement the same picture in the case of the elimination of up to two inflection features, and draw a line segment connecting the two images, the
- We implemented a prototype for a moving alarm clock which runs away from the user when they try to silence the alarm. It has all the features of a “regular” alarm clock: settable time and alarm, snooze, and alarm on/off. The alarm clock displays the
- 网站旁站和C段扫描查询程序,能够查询出目标站同服务器上所有的其他网站和C段里每个服务器里所有的网站。-Site next to the station and the C segment scan check program, be able to query the target station with all the other sites on the server and each server in the C segment in all of the site.
- DNF08段检测源代码 最新可用 hokk 植入代码-DNF08 segment detection of source code for the latest available hokk implant
- 用户通过移动切分后的图形方块最终评出指定的图形,从而完成游戏。- The user through the mobile segment after the specified final top box graphics graphics, thus completing the game.