- 倾城网页游戏服务端完整版2.5D网页游戏-Allure web game server browser game full version 2.5D
- 中国象棋游戏,该游戏是基于web的在线web游戏,无需安装任何软件,只要浏览器,便可运行-Chinese Chess Game, which is based on the web Games web Games online, no need to install any software, as long as the browser, can run
- web斗地主游戏,该游戏是基于web的在线web游戏,无需安装任何软件,只要浏览器,便可运行-web斗地主Games, which is based on the web Games web Games online, no need to install any software, as long as the browser, can run
- This is a sample X and 0 game developed using Javascr ipt Language. The game can be runs in a web browser.
- 一款汽车小游戏。利用鼠标可以左拐和右拐。-Then start clicking on the applet...the car now starts moving either towards the left or the right. If the car hits any of the other racing cars, you lose the game. If you want to restart the game, kill your web browser and open
- Animated gif emmbeded under web browser using vc-Animated gif emmbeded under web browser using vc++
- Embed a .unity game on a web browser, nice layout
- HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is how a web browser displays its multimedia documents. The documents themselves are plain text files (ASCII) with special "tags" or codes that a browser knows how to interpret and display on your screen.
- Microsoft Silverlight是微软所发展的 web 前端应用程序开发解决方案,是微软丰富型互联网应用程序(Rich Internet Application)策略的主要应用程序开发平台之一,以浏览器的*组件方式,提供 web 应用程序中多媒体(含影音流与音效流)与高度交互性前端应用程序的解决方案,同时它也是微软 UX(用户经验)策略中的一环,也是微软试图将美术设计和程序开发人员的工作明确切分与协同合作发展应用程序的尝试之一-Microsoft Silverlight is a M
- Java编写的网页版魔方游戏,编译后生成.class文件,然后用HTML去调用,不过运行时候需要你的浏览器安装有运行Class的插件。-Written in Java web game cube version, compiler generated. Class files, then use HTML to call, but when you need to run a browser plug-ins installed to run Class.
- EaselJs游戏引擎是一款用JS开发的web游戏引擎,能够使你轻松构建一款属于自己的2D webGAME. 演示地址http://rpgjs.com-Create your RPG 2D browser using the JS framework called RPG based on EaselJs. Visit http://rpgjs.com to try the demo and start using RPG JS
- 1,如果没有安接webbrowser控制,请把webbrowser.npk拷贝到E的安装目录下面的LIB目录中去! 2,简单的多窗口浏览器,双击选项卡可以关闭当前网页。 3,简单的处理了下:前进,后退,转到首页,刷新,停止,更多的比如查看源文件,打印,收藏等没空做。 4,地址栏输入web地址直接新页面打开。 5,还有好多没做...... QQ:349805-1, if there is no security then webbrowser control, to webB
- 用高级Swing编写的web网页浏览器,希望对大家有帮助-Written in a high-level Swing web web browser, and I hope for all of us to help
- Java编写的网页版魔方游戏,编译后生成.class文件,然后用HTML去调用,不过运行时候需要你的浏览器安装有运行Class的插件。Java源代码实现部分,比较有意思,也具参考性。像坐标控制、旋转矩阵、定时器、生成图像、数据初始化、矩阵乘法、坐标旋转、判断是否是顺时针方向排列、鼠标按下、放开时的动作等,都可在本源码中得以体现。-The web version of the Rubik' s Cube game written in Java, the compiler generates
- 这是网页游戏名将挖矿浏览器..供做网页游戏游戏的人参考用-This is a browser web games famous mining .. for doing web games game reference
- 易语言超级浏览器中获取坐标地址的源码用于制作简单的网页游戏中用-The easy language super browser source code to get the coordinates of the address used to create a simple web games using
- 一个网页游戏的*程序,使用在google浏览器。可以模拟键盘鼠标操作。包括图像识别-A web game plug, use google browser. Can simulate keyboard and mouse operation. Including image recognition
- xnova(ogame)是一款世界上最火的战争策略类网页游戏之一,也是大部分同类网页游戏效仿的对象。他在网页游戏的地位,相当于UO对于现在的传统网络游戏。称之为网页游戏的鼻祖也完全不过分。你只需要网页浏览器,无需下载客户端就可进行的网络游戏。-xnova (ogame) is one of the war strategy web game one of the world s hottest, most similar web game is to follow the object. His
- 演示地址:http://www.51rgb.com/nbbs/thread-1398-1-1.html 特效说明:一款JS+html5切木头手机游戏源码网页特效,html5手机在线web页面游戏,html5手机游戏源码学习。休闲可以玩一玩儿哦~~请用支持HTML5+CSS3主流浏览器预览效果。(兼容测试:FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera等支持HTML5/CSS3浏览器) 使用方法:1、调用JS插件代码: <scr ipt type= text/jav
- Descr iption Its turn based, web-browser, fantasy MMORPG written in PHP and MySQL (but may work with many other s) with Smarty Template Engine, ADOdb and PHP Mailer. Based on Gamers-Fusion ver 2.5 with many modyfications in security, speed and feat