- The Complete Roll Playing Game Engine is an engine that can be used to create roll playing games. It includes programs to build characters, monsters, and worlds. cRPGe currently uses the AD&D rules set. This is an initial release just so that I
- 这篇论文介绍了一种简单快速的动态流体的解决方案应用于游戏引擎。-In this paper we present a simple and rapid implementation of a fluid dynamics solver for game engines. Our tools can greatly enhance games by providing realistic fluid-like effects such as swirling smoke past a
- Secret Maryo Chronicles的windows版本1.8的源码.用到c++ ,sdl,opengl,cegui等.一个很不错的开源游戏.-The windows verson of Secret Maryo Chronicles,using c++,sdl,opengl,cegui etc.