- This is a sample C++ snake and ladder Game Project . Select this program and compile it on Turbo C++.
- This a Tic Tac Toe Game developed in C++ by me as a part of my curriculum.Tic Tac Toe is a two player mind game . I have developed this game in Dev C++ IDE using OOPS concepts in C++. This is a console based game. The game asks about the matrix row a
- 1、主界面选择游戏运行环境 2、游戏按照一定规则实现相同图片相消,消除时有闪烁效果 3、游戏界面有重新开始、重新排列、计时、计分等功能 4、支持单机版游戏环境 a.有简单、复杂和困难三种等级的选择 b.时间限制 c.在规定时间内完成游戏,显示成功通关的模态对话框 5、支持网络版游戏环境 a.通过服务器与客户端的连接进行两人对决 b.有聊天功能 c.在规定时间内完成游戏,显示赢了对手的模态对话框,另一方