- Mpeg4编码库源代码 原创版本 100%完整 c/c-Mpeg4 encoding for the source code original version of 100% complete c / c
- 1.实现H.264开源代码T264在X255系统上的T264解码+time+LCD Display. 2.解码100帧的foreman.qcif消耗时间10620ms,对部分的C程序(如idct4x4,iquant4x4等)进行ARM指令优化 3.将T264转化为C程序,适用于linux/window(VC6&VC71),并且实现Mx1的移植(Linux系统)-1. H.264 achieve revenue code T264 X255 system in the T264 decod
- Ball game 1.2 A small ball game using graphics in c. Aim of the game is to stop the ball from hitting the right wall by moving the box. 10 points are given for stopping it once. Speed adds as the score increases by 100. This program was co
- c#sip proxy,绝对的100%的源代码,非常难找,asterisk的windows编程必备啊,c# sip proxy, absolute 100 of the source code, very difficult to find, asterisk of windows programming must ah
- H264解码器源码,移植ffmpeg中的H264解码部分到Android,深度删减优化,在模拟器(320x480)中验证通过。 程序的采用jni架构。界面部分,文件读取,视频显示都是用java做的,底层的视频解码用C来做满足速度的要求。 在这个版本中,从H264码流中分割出Nal是在java层做的,这样在java层直接调用解码时就知道是否有显示视频,缺点的就是耦合度/封装性差一点。 如果采用在底层做Nal分割的方法,可以封装得好看一些,但是每次送的数据有限制,如果送
- C语言100道经典例题,包括算法,图像,视频等-Classic example of the C language 100, including the algorithm, images, video, etc.
- Alvas.Audio is a collection of 100 native .NET framework managed components written in C#. Collection allows developers to create applications that play and record sound.-Alvas.Audio is a collection of 100 native .NET framework managed components wr
- SIP通讯协议DEMO C#开发 想学SIP的快下载看看吧-Independentsoft.Sip Source. SIP .NET is Session Initiation Protocol API for .NET Framework and Mono. The API is written in 100 managed C# code.
- Lame is an open source encoder wich features a new psychoacoustic model called GPsycho. It also brings joint stereo encoding and variable bitrate. Its quality is substantially better than ISO psy-model based encoders (such as Lame 2.1, BladeEnc, 8Hz-