- FilterImageGrabber:即时抓图的Filter。这是一个Trans-In-Place Filter,Filter注册名为“HQ Image Grabber”,仅支持RGB32/24/565/555四种媒体类型, 将其接入到Filter链路之后,可以抓取任何一个经过该Filter的Sample。 AVCap: 音视频采集演示程序。支持AGP/PCI/USB等各种接口的采集卡,支持 数码摄像机输入,实现即时抓图,边预览边采集,支持热插拔等等。 打开AVC
- H.264 RTSP 串流 (live 555) 視窗版本 (THE Makefile had modified for VC 2008 BUILD)-H.264 STREAM SERVER (LIVE 555) WINDOWS PLATFORM (THE Makefile had modified for VC 2008 BUILD)
GC6113 camera driver
- The GC6113 is a highly integrated CMOSimage sensor, active pixel is 248x328. GC6113 outputs YUV/YCrCb 4:2:2 or RGB 565/555/444 data through the serial data bus. It can be used in MTK MT6252 and Spreadtrum SP6610 platform.