broadvoice 32
- BroadVoice?is a family of speech coding algorithms created by Broadcom and standardized by CableLabs? SCTE? and ANSI for Voice over IP applications in cable telephony. BroadVoice is also part of the ITU-T Recommendations J.161 and J.361. To encourage
- Speech Signal Denoising,Speech Signal Denoising
- 谱减法 数字信号处理 语音信号加强剥离噪声的MATLAB代码,分帧-加窗-减谱-重现-测试-noise reduction spectral subtraction speech enhancement
- Simulation of Residual Excited Linear Prediction (RELP) coding for speech: This simulation give your voice or available clear wav file.This encoder have linear predictor that decreases signal s dynamic (lower quantization level). This technique als
- Speex是一套开源的专门压缩声音的库,压缩的性能非常高,常用在VoIP或者其它网络程序中。Speex声称自己是不受任何专利限制,并授权根据修订后的BSD许可证发布。它可以用来与Ogg容器格式或直接在UDP / RTP协议下传输。 这份是Speex的编码手册英文版,下面的地址是维基百科中关于Speex的介绍: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speex-Speex is a free software speech codec that may be used on
- 数字的语音识别matlab程序 训练及识别数据太大,少量上传一点,大家可以用COOLEDIT等软件仿照自己制作.(*.wav文件采样率8000,单声道,采样精度16位,16bit Motorola PCM,*.lab文件存的是语音的起止点和语音内容). -Digit speech recognition matlab program too much training and recognition data, a small amount of upload that you can us
- 语音信号去噪和编码系统,包括语音信号的采集和播放主程序,中断程序去噪等-Speech Signal Denoising and coding system, including voice and video signals collection main program, interrupt procedures such as de-noising
- sub-band 应用于语音编码-applies to sub-band speech coding
- 高斯混合模型[Gaussian mixture model,简称GMM]是单一高斯机率密度函数的延伸,由於GMM 能够平滑地近似任意形状的密度分布,因此近年来常被用在语音与语者辨识,得到不错的效果。 -Gaussian mixture model [Gaussian mixture model, referred to as GMM] are single-Gaussian probability density function of the extension.GMM can approxi
- A short-time analysis-synthesis system for speech is developed in MATLAB using the Filter Bank Summation (FBS) method. Provision for different sampling rates at analysis and synthesis means rate change can be carried out.
- this program deals with simple speech processing like fft, use of hamming window, my durbin algorithm and likes. this program has gui too.
- this folder contains matlab programs which implements different pitch estimation algorithms of speech.
- In this article I ll show you how to add Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities to your program. You ll be able to do it with, essentially, 1 line of code, using the familiar standard ostream syntax.-In this article I ll show you how to add Text-to-S
- Speech Signal Noise Estimation
- The ALICE artificial intelligence engine. Here is the source in VB.NET. Just type in a question and she answers in speech. Works in XP or Vista.
- Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) for speech noise reduction
- 语音信号的子带编码算法,Matlab环境-Sub-band speech signal coding algorithms, Matlab environment
- G.729音频压缩、解压缩到Matlab程序。使用方法详见readme文档。-Descr iption Most of G.729 source code is written in C.But this one is written in matlab. follow these steps to use it: 1.To coder a speech(ensure it as a row vector variable in matlab),simply type
- This code designed for CCS for speech recogntion using FFT based feature extraction.
fft based audio speech watermarking
- a high robust and non blind fft base audio and speech watermarking