- ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(352*288) h.263 支持
- Here s where to find things: - The documentation is located in docs\\readme.rtf and can be read with WordPad, MS Word, etc. - A descr iption of what has changed since the last version can be found in WhatsNew.txt. - A retail build of the lib
- DVB-T标准是地面数字电视广播标准(欧盟),在欧洲许多国家和世界范围内,DVB-T已经成为一个现实的标准.本代码用C语言实现了这个标 ETSI 300 744v1.05.,另外做了很大的优化,达到实时的编码。并且,提供了详细的程序及标准的说明文档,有非常大的实用价值。
- 进入程序后,选择弹奏歌曲或听歌曲,选听时自动播放,按任意键可跳出,选弹时按1,2,3,4,5,6,7,q,w,e,r,t,y,u, a,s,d,f,g,h,j, z,x,c,v,b,n,m 发音,按键错误跳出。
- VIS H.323 Library符合下列标准 ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(
- G721-G723 源代码 G.726 is an ITU-T ADPCM speech codec standard covering the transmission of voice at rates of 16, 24, 32, and 40 kbit/s. It was introduced to supersede both G.721, which covered ADPCM at 32 kbit/s, and G.723, which described ADPCM for
- G.728 is an ITU-T ADPCM speech codec standard covering the transmission of voice at rates of 16, 24, 32, and 40 kbit/s. It was introduced to supersede both G.721, which covered ADPCM at 32 kbit/s, and G.723, which described ADPCM for 24 and 40 kbit/s
- G.729 is an ITU-T ADPCM speech codec standard covering the transmission of voice at rates of 16, 24, 32, and 40 kbit/s. It was introduced to supersede both G.721, which covered ADPCM at 32 kbit/s, and G.723, which described ADPCM for 24 and 40 kbit/s
- 数字视频广播地面标准(dvbT)的原版文章v1.5.1,2004,-Terrestrial digital video broadcasting standard (dvbT) original article, v1.5.1, 2004,
- H.323 开发包与源码(VC代码) VIS H.323 Library符合下列标准 ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制)
- h264英文标准(我添加了目录,用起来超方便) 2008年5月份,我从itu-t下载的英文标准,比之前的版本修订很多地方,增加了附录G部分,是定义可分级传输的。中文的版本比较老,另外,错误比较多, 对比着看 !!! -h264 English standards (I added a directory, to use ultra-convenient) in May 2008, I itu-t downloaded from the English standards, than befo
- mpeg1播放软件 同时可以参考信息,学习mpeg1的开源软件-XMPLAY is a very nice directory-browser under X11 to use XMPEG, the interactive X11-MPEG-player. MPEG is a video-format described by the ISO-standard ISO CD11172. This implementation here can handle MPEG-str
- ffmeg开源多媒体函数库,支持mpeg,mp3等多种音频视频格式-ffmeg open-source multi-media library, support mpeg, mp3 and other audio and video formats
- VIS H.323 Library符合下列标准 ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) -VIS H.323 Library meet the following criteria ITU-T H.323 V3 audio codec (supports Voice Activity Detection) g.723.
- 这个包实现了ITU - T的G.723.1语音编码器和解码器在Matlab。该方案的目标是提供一个良好的记录和模块化设计方案,实验和研究,以方便使用为基础的实际编码器。 编码器实现了G.723.1的多脉冲模式(在6.3 kb / s的运行)。解码器可以解码的5.3 kb / s的,在6.3 kb的多脉冲/秒,连续传输,数据包丢失隐藏)编码器(所有的ACELP方式。 该编码器和解码器之间的标准接口是位文件(同位文件由ITU - T参考代码产生兼容)。第二
- 该方案旨在简化,如播放,暂停播放声音基本波,停止和恢复。 自从我在www.mathworks.com通知少人有解决 如何停止播放 ,所以我要做到这一点,它张贴在这里波的声音。 希望你们喜欢的节目:对 编码器实现了G.723.1的多脉冲模式(在6.3 kb / s的运行)。解码器可以解码的5.3 kb / s的,在6.3 kb的多脉冲/秒,连续传输,数据包丢失隐藏)编码器(所有的ACELP方式。 该
- The main effort in the PQRST feature extraction is finding the exact location of the waves (Figure 5.1 shows the PQRST waves and the location points). After finding the waves’ locations, the determination of the waves amplitudes and shapes is much si
- 研究dvb-t数字电视标准的很好的源程序。仔细研究会对理解dvb数字电视标准有深刻的理解-Dvb digital TV standard of a good source. Carefully to understand dvb digital TV standard will have a deep understanding of