- This article tries to explain how to capture video and frames simultaneously. It is based on SampleGrabber program done by NETMaster and DirectX.Capture by Brian Low. The root of all of this was the amazing work of NETMaster, DirectShow.NET, SampleGr
- Those who deal with voiceprints and prompts often should have prerecorded waves for testing/development, and sometimes you want to output a "joined wave", and even more better - get it dynamically. This article tries to solve this problem and create
- 本程序 尝试打开本电脑上的摄像头作为视频输入设备,或者将命令行的输入参数作为文件名来打开的视频文件。不管是哪一种方法,最后都是不断的循环处理一帧一帧地处理,涉及到的图像处理有 背景擦除,平滑滤波,二值化等-The program tries to open the camera on the computer as a video input device, or the command line input parameters as the file name to open the vid
- I can invoke StillCap.exe using Process.Start(fullPathToQuickCamExe) without problem. However, our customer want a default name when the user tries to save a new snap shot. The default name would be in the following format: Last Name + Middle N
- 本程序 尝试打开本电脑上的摄像头作为视频输入设备,或者将命令行的输入参数作为文件名来打开的视频文件。不管是哪一种方法,最后都是不断的循环处理一帧一帧地处理,涉及到的图像处理有 背景擦除,平滑滤波,二值化等。 -The program tries to open the camera on the computer as a video input device, or the command line input parameter as the file name to open the vi