- mad mp3解码dll libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compil
- 在自己的工程中使用windows系统的WINMM.DLL播放wav文件-in their own projects using windows system WINMM.DLL broadcast wav documents
- 用ActiveX重新改写了一个点对点通讯的DLL文件,这样可以方便的在VB,vbs,js等脚本语言,特别是用在IE里面特别方便了。-using ActiveX rewriting of a point-to-point communications DLL files, this can be convenient in VB, vbs, js other scr ipting language, especially the use of IE in particular inside con
- 由于DirectShow功能强大,文档非常多,初学者很难一下子就掌握;而对于熟练使用者来说,也会觉得有许多操作虽然简单但非常烦琐,往往一个小小功能的程序,都要重复许多操作;针对这种情况,RedCode小组开发DSBase SDK,把经常用的操作封装成DLL,方便用户进行调用,AppWizard has created this DSDemo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of us
- 采集卡成像源码,用DirectShow实现,功能不错,支持多路采集-Acquisition Card source imaging, using DirectShow to achieve, function well in support of multi-channel acquisition
- 使用UDP协议通过网络进行远程播放语音的实例程序,具体工作使用DLL方式,有Test Demo调用实例。-Examples of procedures for remote playback of voice through the network using the UDP protocol, the specific work to use the DLL way Test Demo call the instance.
- 利用Visual C++导入WMP.dll的简单播放器,适合初学者用来学习-Using Visual C++ into the WMP.dll easy player, suitable for beginners to study
- this project plays a bink video file using the binkw32.d-this project plays a bink video file using the binkw32.dll
- low level sound player , play any sound file using [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern long mciSendString( string strCommand, StringBuilder strReturn, int iReturnLength, IntPtr oCallback) with c#-low level sound
- 利用TWAIN_32.DLL进行视频捕获。采用的是VS2005版本。希望对大家有帮助-Use TWAIN_32.DLL video capture. Using the VS2005 version. We want to help
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- 网吧使用的MP3播放系统,文件路径在配制文件中修改,播放系统调用dll文件-Internet cafes are using MP3 playback system, the file path in the configuration file to modify, play system call dll files
- vb是Visual Basic的简称,是由美国微软公司于1991年开发的一种可视化的、面向对象和采用事件驱动方式的结构化高级程序设计语言,可用于开发 Windows 环境下的各类应用程序。它简单易学、效率高,且功能强大可以与 Windows 专业开发工具SDK相媲美。在Visual Basic环境下,利用事件驱动的编程机制、新颖易用的可视化设计工具,使用Windows内部的广泛应用程序接口(API)函数,动态链接库(DLL)、对象的链接与嵌入(OLE)、开放式数据连接(ODBC)等技术,可以高效
- 利用avicap32.dll 写的摄像头驱动代码-Camera using avicap32.dll write driver code
- 基于mplayer.ocx插件实现的VB播放器,基于Directshow+DC DSP实现音乐可视化频普,EQ,声道合成,使用VMR9实现视频渲染(亮度,对比度,饱和度,色调)。之前因使用C的一个COM DLL,需要注册,部分电脑不注册无法加载。现去掉DLL,内部完成加载和删除FILTER完成。实现WMP可视化效果。-The mplayer.ocx plug-in implementation of VB player based on Directshow+DC DSP music, visu
- 这是我认为最完美的vb.net2008对USB摄像头编程的例子。里面有抓拍图,录像,还有ROI区域设置等高级功能。在XP下完美运行。在WIN7下,高清的摄像头不行。普通的清的可以。应该是摄像头本身的驱动问题。用的是 aviCAP32.dll编程方法。DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dll是一个商业控件。如果过期了,就不用吧。不用也可以正常运行的。 This is a very good Code sample for programing webcam, using avi