- 软 VCD 系统,支持格式如下: 1.DAT-->VCD碟的标准DAT格式:DAT后缀名,并存放在CD-ROM中. 2.MPG-->MPEG-1的多媒体格式:MPG后缀名,存放在硬盘中. 3.MPV-->MPEG-1的多媒体格式:MPV后缀名,存放在硬盘中. 4.VBS-->MPEG-1的多媒体格式:VBS后缀名,存放在硬盘中. 5.VCD-->VCD碟的标准DAT格式用VCDCOPY拷到硬盘中的多媒体 文件格式:VCD后缀名,并存放在硬盘中. 注:(5
- 这个小控件其实是为我自己的一个简单播放器做的。 目前这个版本只实现了基本功能,因为我在网上没找到现成的带源码的Delphi控件, 所以自己参考一些C代码写了这个小东东。 希望这个小东东对感兴趣的朋友有所帮助。因为我对音频方面的API了解不多,所以 目前做得还不是很好(比WinAmp差了很多),如果哪位有了改进,别忘了告诉我啊! 纯粹一时兴趣之作,权当抛砖引玉,写得不好请勿见怪。 祝你愉快! EMail: iamdream@yeah.net 写于 20
- This application captures the screen using the Windows Media Encoder. Run the application choose start from the capture menu. When prompted to save the file choose a video file with extension wmv or choose a new file.-This application captures t
- osip的高层扩展,用于开发Voip软件,方便开发。-osip senior extension for the development of Faith software, and facilitate the development.
- CGdiplusFileOpenDialog和CGdiplusFileSaveAsDialog类提供了一个在GDI+的MFC应用程序轻松实现文件打开和保存对话框的方法。 主要特点是: 1、它们可以动态地装入关于支持图像的解码器/编码器和构建文件过滤清单。 2、它们可以获得当前图像编码器标识码(CLSID)以供需要将其作为一个参数的GDI+函数使用。 3、它们可以检查和验证文件名和扩展名。-CGdiplusFileOpenDialog and CGdiplusFileS av
- Summary: The MPEG converter takes a MATLAB movie matrix and writes the movie to disk as an MPEG file. MATLAB Release: R12 Descr iption: MPEG is an ISO standard movie encoding format. The MPEG converter for MATLAB takes a MATLAB movie matrix a
- This a font editor for Swecoin Printer font files, which carry the extension SWF. This is not to be confused with Shockwave files, which also carry the SWF extension. A simple editor is provided with Open and Save abilities, font guidelines and more
- * This element captures your X Display and creates raw RGB video. It uses * the XDamage extension if available to only capture areas of the screen that * have changed since the last frame. It uses the XFixes extension if * available to also
- 2005年发布的ISO的mp3编码低采样率扩展(Lower Sampling Frequency Extension)的参考实现代码
- 2005年发布的ISO的mp3编码部分低采样率扩展(Lower Sampling Frequency Extension)的参考实现代码
- VB-Amp Pro is an extension of my VB-Amp project which was/is a sample program to demonstrate playing MP3 files using ActiveMovie2 in VisualBasic.
- 开发SIP软电话的开源扩展协议库3.60版本。这是2011年10月最新版本!-Development of open source SIP soft phone extension protocol library. This is the latest version in October 2011!
- JRTPLIB服务端和客户端代码,可以发送任何媒体后缀的文件。-JRTPLIB server and client code, you can send any media extension.
- 高斯混合模型[Gaussian mixture model,简称GMM]是单一高斯机率密度函数的延伸,由於GMM 能够平滑地近似任意形状的密度分布,因此近年来常被用在语音与语者辨识,得到不错的效果。 -Gaussian mixture model [Gaussian mixture model, referred to as GMM] are single-Gaussian probability density function of the extension.GMM can approxi
- 开源的SIP协议库的扩展库,支持WINDOWS、linux,可用于开发SIP软电话,是对OSIP库的封装,这是09年最新版本,libeXosip2-3.3.0。-Open-source SIP protocol extension library database, support WINDOWS, linux, can be used for the development of SIP Softphone is OSIP library package, 2009 This is the l
- function [Y,FS,NBITS,OPTS] = mp3read(FILE,N,MONO,DOWNSAMP,DELAY) MP3READ Read MP3 audio file via use of external binaries. Y = MP3READ(FILE) reads an mp3-encoded audio file into the vector Y just like wavread reads a wav-encoded file (one ch
- Feng是多媒体服务器软件,兼容IETF标准,应用于实时多媒体数据的Internet传输,支持RTSP,RTP/RTCP协议 Feng支持以下编码标准: * Audio o MPEG Audio (MPEG-1/2 Layer I/II/III) (rfc2250) o Vorbis (draft) o AAC (MPEG-4 Part 3) (rfc3640) * Video o MPEG Video (MPEG-1/2) (rfc2250)
- css教程,精通css的滤镜,第一章:css简介。第二章:CSS扩展部分:CSS滤镜属性(Filter Properties)。第三章:Alpha 滤镜 第四章:Gray ,Invert,Xray 滤镜。第五章:精通 CSS 滤镜(五)-css tutorial, css master filter, the first chapter: css Profile. Chapter II: CSS Extension: CSS attribute filter (Filter Properti
- mp3 player that plays music files with .mp3 extension
- scanlife公司的2D code识别extension,通过camera进行2D code的识别.包含一个camera app示例代码.-brew extension for scan 2D code by camera. Zip file include a extension mod file and a sample camera application.