- This article takes the original programming idea from the Wave File Editor Control and extends the application s functionality into a client/server application set. The WaveEdit app can now be used as a stand-alone program or as a server, controlle
- 实现了一个能够从摄像头获取图像数据的类。非常方便,好用。- Realized to be able from 鎽勫儚澶?the gain image data kind. Extremely convenient, easy to use.
- HawkVoice Direct Interface [HawkVoiceDI(Version 0.83 beta)]是一款从HawkVoice应用编程接口中分离开的底层语音包及实用程序代码库。很有价值的代码!-HawkVoice Direct Interface [HawkVoiceDI (Version 0.83 beta)] is the one from HawkVoice Application Programming Interface Separation opened the b
- VB.NET源码。一个用于测试爱情的小游戏。VB.NET初学者可以借鉴学习。-VB.NET source. A love for the testing of small game. VB.NET beginners can draw on and learn from.
- 视频图象大小格式转换软件原代码,比如从4cif yuv图象转化到cif yuv图象.-video image size format conversion software source code, such as images from 4cif YUV conversion to cif YUV images.
- VB6 windows2000 分离图像的各个RGB分量 生成灰度图像-VB6 windows2000 images from the various RGB component Gray Image Generation
- 从指定文件中切割出指定大小的子文件,我用它将一个YUV序列的每一帧分割出来,然后又将每一帧的Y、U、V单独分割出来 -from the designated cut out for the specified size paper, I use it a YUV sequence of each frame to split up, and then each will frame the Y, U, V separate separated
- The purpose of this driver set is to provide easy, direct access to the controls and imagery of compliant cameras on the 1394 serial bus. These cameras are capable of transmitting image data at up to 400 mbps* while also offering the ability to contr
- In computer vision, one usually needs access to video frames as they are streamed in order to analyze or process them in some way. This code-pack shows how to obtain a single bitmap from a video stream using Microsoft Directshow.
- 用directshow对摄像头进行视频扑获,并可设置帧率和视频质量,并可进行视频录制-This programme can grab the video frame from a camera by directshow,and set frame rate and the video quality. It can also record video frames.
- 好似电影字幕完後 字幕從下到上升出-like movie subtitles After subtitles from down to up out
- 一个从摄像头捕获视频图像的程序。需要依赖MS Platform SDK 和DirectX 9.0 SDK 。支持各种类型的摄像头。-from a video camera captured images of the procedure. The need to rely on MS Platform SDK and DirectX 9.0 SDK. Supports all types of camera.
- MPEG文件PS流解析程序,可以从program stream流中提取媒体内容文件。-a program of parsing MPEG file. It can parse media file from program stream.
view capture
- 视频捕捉的例子,可以直接联usb摄像头 以实现在网上传输 对有些人来说可能简单了!-view capture example . can capture from cam, and transfer on web , may to simple fro somebody.
mp3Trim PRO
- 小巧方便的MP3修整截取工具,可以将MP3中您不要的部分(从头部或尾部)去掉,只保留精华所在,然后您可以利用Mp3Turbo Injector等工具,将多个MP3合为一个MP3文件。当然,此软件亦可用来去除MP3文件头尾处的静音或杂音!Mp3trim Pro是mp3trim的增强版本。-compact MP3 convenient dressing interception tools, which can be your MP3 not part of (from the head or ta
- MPEG Menu System Version2是一个用于dxr3目录系统。它支持电影和音频回放,并能用 Lirc从远程控件中很容易的控制。-MPEG Version2 Menu System is a system for dxr3 directory. Its support for the film and audio playback, and can use remote controls from Lirc very easily controlled.
- Plugger for Mozilla是Plugger的修改版,一个非常小的Unix版的Netscape、Mozilla以及Opera的多媒体插件,它使用外部程序来显视和播放许多格式的文件。这个修改版本修补了Mozilla 1.x的一些bug,允许一个播放器直接从URL来流式播放一个媒体文件。-Plugger for Mozilla is a revised version of Plugger, a very small Unix version of Netscape, Mozilla an
- dialogic从入门到系统工程师,INTER的VOIP设备说明,开发说明。-dialogic from entry to the system engineers, INTER VOIP equipment shows that the development of note.
- 简易的MP3播放器,将MP3直接从浏览器拖放到窗口即可-simple mp3 player,drag and drop mp3 from browser to window
- get sps pps from h264.rar 对于分析h264中的sps pps的工程师来说是不可多得例子,此例子经过测试-get sps pps from h264.rar For the SPS PPS of analysis h264 engineers is a rare example of this example has been tested