- Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Quick Start 2.1 Video and Audio grabbing 2.2 Video and Audio file format conversion 3. Invocation 3.1 Syntax 3.2 Main options 3.3 Video Options 3.4 Audio Options 3.5 Advanced options 3.6 Protocols 4. Tips 5. Suppo
- libdvbpsi是一个轻便的用来实现MPEG-2 TS流和DVB PSI表的解码和编码的开源库,可以解析的PSI/SI表有:PAT,PMT,NIT,BAT,CAT,SDT,SIS,EIT,TOT,所有的MPEG 2描述子,支持的平台有GNU/Linux, *BSD, Windows and MacOS X-libdvbpsi is a simple library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI table