- 采用MATLAB分析WAV文件。 步骤一:选择一个WAV文件作为分析的对象 。(ding.wav) 步骤三:进行 FFT变换并画频域图形 。 步骤四:进行该声波主要频谱的分析。 步骤五:根据该声音的频谱,反演时域图形 。(有失真) 步骤六:进行付立叶逆变换IFFT并画频域图形 。,WAV file analysis using MATLAB. Step One: Select a WAV file as the target of analysis. (Ding.wav) Step
- 已知两个不同图像块亮度数据如下: (1)分析DCT原理,采用DCT方法,编程并计算相应的DCT系数,分析系数分布特点。 (2)依据视觉特性分析量化表步长的分布特点,完成DCT系数量化。 (3)采用Z形扫描,实现输出数据的统计编码,形成Video stream。 (4)采用IDCT重建图像亮度数据,计算SAD大小,分析产生误差的原因及采用DCT进行数据压缩的原理。( ) (5)分别利用左上角1、3、6个系数重建图像,计算相应的SAD,并由
- 圖形調整式數位音訊均衡器,使用matlab gui介面寫成。自動畫出頻率響應圖,可讀取.wav檔。濾波器由fdatools設計而成。-Digital audio graphic equalizer adjustments, and the use matlab gui interface language. Automatically draw the frequency response can be read. Wav file. Filter designed with the fdato
- 该代码是从SPEEX中提取出来有关回声消息部分的源码 它采取的是在频域进行操作,效果比较好" 经测试,如果原始声音与用于回声消息的参考声音之间存在时钟不同步时,极易发生在回音消息算法中的反溃发散现象. 压缩包中含有测试语音文件: Input_exsample_stereo.pcm: 8k16bit的线性pcm,含双通道语音。 vleft.pcm: 8k16bit linear pcm, 从Input_exsample_stereo.pcm 中分离出来的
- Simulation of Residual Excited Linear Prediction (RELP) coding for speech: This simulation give your voice or available clear wav file.This encoder have linear predictor that decreases signal s dynamic (lower quantization level). This technique als
- OFDM 频率跟踪算法,用于DVB-H, CMMB 和OFDM demoduator 设计-Frequency tracking algorithm for DVB-H, design for OFDM demodualtor
- This appendix gives the waveforms and FFTs of spectral content of the he file alien_voices.c. The frequency response curves were produced using the MATLAB Filter Design Toolbox
- 本程序用matlab语言编写,可以读取各种采样频率的wav文件,使用小波方法降噪.对撕撕声效果较好-This procedure language with matlab, you can read a variety of sampling frequency of the wav file, the use of wavelet denoising method. Tear tear on better sound
- 本程序使用了matlab进行语音信号基频的检测-This program uses the matlab for speech signal fundamental frequency detection
- 改变原始wav音频信号的抽样频率,并且显示处理前后声音信号的频谱.有助于帮助大家理解奈圭斯特抽样定理。-Change the original wav audio signal sampling frequency, and shows the spectrum of sound signal before and after treatment. Helps to help you understand the Nyquist sampling theorem.
- 1)选择一个语音信号作为分析对象,或录制一段语音信号; 2)对语音信号进行采样,画出采样前后语音信号的时域波形和频谱图; 3)利用MATLAB中的随机函数产生噪声加入到语音信号中,使语音信号被污染,然后进行频谱分析; 4)设计用于处理该语音信号的数字滤波器,给出滤波器的性能指标,画出滤波器的频率响应; 5)对被噪声污染的语音信号进行滤波,画出滤波前后信号的时域波形和频谱,并对滤波前后的信号进行比较和分析; 6)回放各步骤的语音信号,给出相应处理程序及运行结果分析。-1) Select a voi
- 声音频谱和时域图像的matlab绘制,并且加入固定频率的噪音听取其效果。-Sound spectrum and time domain matlab image rendering, and adding noise fixed frequency to listen to its effects.
- In this work, the Mel frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC) feature has been used for designing a text dependent speaker identification system. The extracted speech features (MFCC’s) of a speaker are quantized to a number of centroids using v
- matlab audio code using to shown frequency using wavelet morlet.
- 语音识别MFCC特征提取matlab代码。 「梅尔倒频谱系数」(Mel-scale Frequency Cepstral Coefficients,简称MFCC),是最常用到的语音特征,此参数考虑到人耳对不同频率的感受程度,因此特别适合用在语音辨识。-Speech recognition MFCC feature extraction matlab code. \ Mel cepstrum coefficient (Mel- scale Frequency Cepstral Coefficien
- 使用matlab语言对一段语音信号进行滤波处理,首先分析时域信号,之后进行傅立叶变换,转换成频域,使用巴特沃斯低通滤波器去除高频部分。-Use matlab language of a voice signal is filtered first time domain signal after the Fourier transform is converted into the frequency domain, using a Butterworth low-pass filter to
- it is the m file in matlab for draw the frequency of grid voltage-it is the m file in matlab for draw the frequency of grid voltage
- Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation, Conducted through virtual array DOA estimation.
- 该代码可做快速傅里叶转换以及离散傅里叶转换以及绘制三维时频图(The code can do fast Fourier transform, as well as discrete Fourier transform, and to draw three-dimensional time-frequency map)
- 本软件是由MATLAB App Designer工具制作而成的一款集音频采集、播放、时域频域分析、加噪、滤波、特定特效处理及自定义DIY滤波特效处理的综合音频分析处理播放器 注:1.把文件夹放到MATLAB工作空间中,使得图标资源在MATLAB路径中 2.录音为 .wav格式,音乐播放器只支持.wav 和 .mp3格式 3.Windows安装包可直接安装为Windows应用软件(需联网下载MATLAB环境包)(This software is a syntheti