- This project builds Decomb Plugin for Avisynth. It supports both YUY2 and YV12 color spaces. Functions can be combined to implement inverse telecine (IVTC) for both NTSC and PAL streams.-This project builds Decomb Plugin for Avis ynth. It supports bo
- * ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard free * license to this software module or modifications thereof for use in hardware * or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC * 14496-2
- A memory-resident utility that enables selectable use of the extended screen and keyboard control sequences that normally require loading the ANSI.SYS device driver. Unlike ANSI.SYS, ANSI.COM supports all video modes, permits sizing and clearin
- libdca is a free library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams. The code is written by Gildas Bazin and was based on the a52dec project. It is released under the terms of the GPL license. The DTS Coherent Acoustics standard (ETSI 102 114 v
- 控制MIDI输入输出的程序。 View MIDI input messages in raw form or with text descr iptions. Send MIDI messages using the mouse or from dialog controls. Select MIDI input and output devices from the application. Run multiple instances to demonstrate MI
- The SIP Scenario Generator Software License, Version 1.1 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms-The SIP Scenario Generator Software Licen se, Version 1.1 Redistribution and use in source an d binary forms
- I ve never managed to get the Mega128 TWI (two wire interface, also called I2C) interface working totally satisfactorily. It seems to require some \"magic numbers\" I suspect it does some wierd clocking tricks which results in strange waveforms
- create XSL from XML and Video Player in a web
- 里面包含两个CMI编码电路,用MAX2软件实现-se
- Dentro del archivo se encuentran una serie de clases para VB .Net para implementar un codec G711 y usarlo con las apis de Windws
- tambah ndak jaleh se dek den
- adquisicion y Tratamiento de señ ales de audio
- This a project of LPC vocoder in matlab. El objetivo de este proyecto es implementar una codificació n de la señ al de voz medi ante un vocoder LPC y realizar ademá s el proceso inverso, recuperando la señ al sinte tizada.
- no se para que funcione yo solo quiero mi archivo