- MFFM Bit Stream A C++ heirachy for reading and writing bit streams. Implemented for maximum efficiency/ease of use. Write or read bit streams for audio and video protocols such as mpeg (mp3), H.263, etc. Many parallel streams could be used in logic
- The h264bitstream library provides a complete set of functions to read and write video streams conforming to the ITU H264 (MPEG4-AVC) video standard. License: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License. -h264bitstream The library provides a comp
- 网络会议视频同步播放!程序运行在Windows 98/2000/XP/2003平台下,可在VC++ 6.0或.NET中调试。调试前请先安装Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK。因为本章的程序用到DirectShow的COM,需要在程序options→directories→include files中添加“E:\\Program Files\\Microsoft DirectX 9.0SDK\\Samples\\C++\\DirectShow\\BaseClasses”。注意:st
- 有关VC流媒体开发的第一步,解决VC与DirectShow环境中的设置,此方法是第一个用Debug_Unicode版本来实现关于streams.h头文件问题的(至少在我之前是没看到有人用此方法来解决问题。信不信,下了就知道,反正就1分。
- VC6+DirectShow环境编译通过有困难的人,或是不熟悉多媒体编程的人,在想用流媒体来实现视频监控各方面功能的时候,这个无疑是你必须经过的门槛,关于解决streams.h头文件的新一种方法,就在这里,你可以试下,下了做一下,你就会知道了-VC6+ DirectShow environmental compiled through difficulties, or those who are not familiar with multi-media programming, in the
- VC6+DirectShow环境编译通过有困难的人,或在想用流媒体来实现视频监控各方面功能的时候,这个无疑是你必须经过的门槛,关于解决DirectShow.h头文件的新一种方法-VC6+ DirectShow environmental compiled through difficulties, or those who are not familiar with multi-media programming, in the want to use streaming media to al
- The function of an SS7 GW is to allow interconnection between the signalling of the PSTN, based on SS7, and the signalling systems of the VoIP networks – either SIP or H.323. Additionally, the SS7 GW must provide connection control for interworki
- VC++6.0下开发的视频采集工具,功能算是基本齐全,上传以供大家共同学习和交流!-VC++6.0 under the development of video capture tool, the basic function is complete, upload for everyone to learn and share!
- 共有12个解码器,可以解码h.264的码流-decoder which can decode h.264 streams
Ffmpeg H264 Decoder Lib
- 本解码库以ffmpeg为参考模型,针对不同档次的H.264码流进行了修正,解码核心部分进行了相应的MMX优化。 整个解码过程分3个步骤进行,只需要按顺序调用头文件里描述的初始化、处理、释放这三个函数即可。 解码得到的图像数据为YUV,该工程将YUV转换为RGB,直接显示,省去了解码后,还需要借助YUVViewer等工具打开YUV文件的步骤,更加的方便快捷。 支持各个档次的H.264码流解码,将H.264码流放在H264Test目录下即可。 编译平台:VC6.0,VC200
- 利用directshowSDK,制作播放H.264流的接收filter-Use directshowSDK, making playback H.264 streams receiving filter
- 该RTSP播放器实现了主流RTSP播放器的基本功能,并有所拓展: 1、RTSP 标准码流(包括音视频)的实时预览播放; 2、网络数据流的断线重连; 3、对存储文件的解码播放以及控制; 4、音视频码流的同步存储,文件存储时以当前系统的时间戳作为音视频 播放时的索引,方便在文件播放时以时间戳作为检索条件来点播文件; 5、视频播放格式上支持 h.264、mpeg4、mpeg2 等,音频播放格式上支 持 AAC、AMR、G711 等;
- 3nity Media Player is a highly portable multimedia player capable of reading most audio and video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac ...) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and network streams. 3nity Media Player is a grap
- 对h.264或hevc码流的sps进行解析或重写。(Hevc and h.264 streams' sps rewritter.)