提供了matlab下的函数接口-voice of the Fourier Transform provides a demonstration of Matlab interface function
一个实现几个位图文件的拼合的代码,实现了图像的合成,用了位图的函数变换。-achieve a few bitmap file of piecing together the code, the images synthesis, using a bitmap function transform.
mp3dec.h - The main header file defining the structures and functions in the decoder
mp3dec.c - The main source file, including the main loop and most decoding functions
mp3dec_D.h - The windowing function data
huff.c - The huffman decoder (
An Adaptive Variable Block Size Transform Coding System with Lagrangian Cost Function Decision Criterion
声卡波形分析,具有fft波形变换功能。采用windows api编程。是个学习的很好例子-audio waveform analysis, waveform with fft transform function. Using windows api programming. The study is a good example of
自己写的利用FFT变换实现的声音频谱分析函数,支持多声道wav,可以对FFT变换点数、时间分辨率、频率分辨率、显示方式进行定制-Wrote it myself using FFT transform the voice spectrum analysis function, support multi-channel wav, can transform FFT points, time resolution, frequency resolution, and display customiz
The windowed sinc filter uses the inverse fourier transform of ideal low - pass filter frequency response. The Inverse transform of the ideal low - pass response is the sinc function (sinx/x). The inverse fourier transform of the required frequency r
实现视频捕捉采集传输功能实 现视频捕捉采集传输功能-it can complete the function of video capture collection and transform!
This function localizes a single source from a frame of data received at the microphones. It uses the Steered Response Power with the PHAse Transform (SRP-PHAT) as the functional.
HuffmanExp 哈夫曼编码
JpgVSbmp Jpg和Bmp格式相互转换的API封装
RWJpegExp JpegVC++类
VbTestDll VB调用Jpg和Bmp格式相互转换API函数的示例
jpeg jpeg中的前向DCT变换
JPEG2000压缩编码技术 源代码
vcSDll VCD2000AV卡的API函数封装
DvrDll PV988卡的API函数封装
DvsCode 监控录像系统源代码
\avi2mpg1_src 中包含了mpeg1编码
musicdsp source code archive-Analysis
Beat Detector Class
Coefficients for Daubechies wavelets 1-38
Envelope detector
Envelope Detector class (C++)
Envelope follower with different attack and release
Fast in-place Walsh-Hadamard Tra
提供了一个mp3的解码程序,包括mp3dec.h -主要的头文件定义函数在解码器的结构和
mp3dec.c -主源文件,包括主回路和最解码功能
mp3dec_D.h -数据的窗口函数
huff.c -哈夫曼解码器(速度,从观念,这是借来 的托米斯拉夫乌泽拉茨安培)
huffman.h -霍夫曼解码器的Tablefile
fastimdct.c -优化的变换的IMCT
fastsb.c -优化的“多相变换子带”,真正的IMCT另一
windowing.c -输出过滤功能
基于态函数的离散分数余弦倒谱变换在取证话音信息隐藏中的应用-Cepstrum based on the state function of discrete fractional cosine transform application in forensics speech information hiding
the function implements the DCT transform, using a matrix operator.
note that matlab has a function for the DCT and iDCT transforms
that might be more efficient.
It is a code that contains multiple functions used for image processing written in matlab language, like histogram spectrum, the median filter, a special image resize function , an intensity transform and a special image adjust in order to adjust all