- 按用户定义的私有格式,生成ts stream流-according to user-defined private formats, stream flow generation ts
- [Api command] Title=机器人语音控制系统 the message sent to \"Demo Window\" application will be WM_USER+1000+# Message=1 CMDs=零,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,执行,各关节归零,大臂正转,大臂反转,小臂正转,小臂反转,手腕正转,手腕反转,手爪张开,手爪闭合,上升,下降,大臂运行,大臂负运行,小臂运行,小臂负运行,手腕运行,手腕负运行,手爪运行,手爪负运行,升降运行,升降负运行,大臂归零
- 基于kinect,openni的ppt控制程序,用户站在摄像头前,利用骨骼系统定义用户行为。当拍手是最大化ppt,双手前伸启动关闭,左手左伸为左翻页,反之右翻页,动作识别准确率高。-Based kinect, openni the ppt control program, the user stands before the camera, the use of skeletal system-defined user behavior. When the clapping is to maxi
- Video tracking using Adaboost algorithm for auto-updating of the weak classifiers. The object has to be defined by the user (no auto-recogntion). The tracker works for every type of object (no prior assumptions are taken to object size or form).
- MP3播放器,您可以采取一个大的MP3和分解到用户定义的,较小的碎片。用户可分割的大小,到指定的作品。分裂的特定的时间长度可以在完整版在http://prtsoft.com-MP3 Splitter allows you to take a large MP3 and break it into user defined, smaller pieces. Users may split by size, into specified pieces. Splitting by a specifie
- 实现主流视频主观测试方法除以上方法之外的测试配置方法; 设计支持指定序列、地址、用户自定义播放顺序、重复播放次数、序列编号显示、定时播放序列、播放时间长度、打分提示信息、用户自定义视频播放帧率和分辨率以及测试配置的导入和导出。 -The realization of the mainstream video subjective test methods, in addition to the above configuration of the test method designe
- checker_board.rar: This Visual Studio 2008 project will generate a .yuv file (FOURCC YV12) standard checkerboard patern. It can be used to generate any user defined patern in user application.
- 以MATLAB软件为工具,在GUI图形用户界面下针对不同特点的语音信号进行八种不同模式的滤波处理的语音信号处理系统,涉及基于巴特沃思滤波器的IIR滤波器和汉明窗设计的FIR滤波器,能够实现语音文件的打开及自定义路径的存储功能,同时可以实现语音信号加噪和音频倒放功能。-The source code, by means of MATLAB, under the Graphical User Interface, achieves a kind of speech signal processing