- SIP Stacks libmsip: A C++ SIP stack for Linux developed for the miniSIP project. Homepage: http://www.minisip.org/libmsip/.
- SIP Stacks dissipate2: C++ Linux, requries the qt-library, License: GPL Homepage: http://www.wirlab.net/kphone/ A enhanced dissipate, is part of the kphone distribution.
- SIP Stacks GNU eXosip: C Linux+Windows+... License: GPL Homepage: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/exosip/ The extensible osip: \"...It aims to implement a simple high layer API to control the SIP for sessions establishements and common extensio
- SIP Stacks SIP from vovida.org: C++ Linux+Windows+... License: Vovida Software License Homepage: http://www.vovida.org/protocols/downloads/sip/
- 一、简介 VSession语音通信控件通用版。VSession语音通信控件版本2.0,集成G729A压缩算法,实时传输协议,支持一对一(点对点),一对多(广播式),多对多(会议式)的实时通话,话音清晰流畅!使用简单方便!如果你只需要进行点对点的通话,你也可以在http://www.pudn.com/dl.asp?id=379110或者http://www.skycn.com/soft/40977.html 或http://blog.csdn.net/nuaacsq/;下载语音通信控件点对点专
- Anothersea 多人在线视频系统测试版 适用范围: 1 多人在线视频 2 远程在线视频会议 使用说明: 环境 IIS + FMS asp + FLASH 脚本: as2.0; 使用时请修改: (1) 修改 目录 A 下的“ip.txt” 将ip地址改成您的ip地址; 默认设置是_ip = "" ; (2)在fms安装目录下的applications文件夹下新建立一个vid
- wxCommunicator基于sip的跨平台电话系统,目前不支持video-is a cross platform SIP softphone written in C++ utilizing customized sipXtapi user agent library and wxWidgets 2.8.7 GUI library. For a list of supported features see http://wxcommunicator.sourceforge.net/featu
- sipxtapi基于sip的跨平台电话系统,目前不支持video-is a cross platform SIP softphone written in C++ utilizing customized sipXtapi user agent library and wxWidgets 2.8.7 GUI library. For a list of supported features see http://wxcommunicator.sourceforge.net/features.ht
- Sipek Softphone is an open source project that is intended to share common VoIP software design concepts and practices. Beside that it s a simple and easy-to-use SIP softphone with many useful features. New version released - Sipek Softphone v0.