- 這是個可以播放avi並把正在播放的frame存成bmp的簡單小程式,需要安裝openCV。程式碼包含簡易的avi開檔,存圖,程式執行後,按空白鍵會撥放影片,按s會存圖。,This is a can play avi and put the frame is playing a simple Save as bmp small program to install required openCV. Contains simple code to open avi files, keep maps,
- OpenCV实现USB摄像头图像的采集进行简单的图像处理-code: processing image captured by usb device based on OpenCV methord.
- This example face recognition with opencv using PCA algorithm
- code for optical flow estimation using OpenCV from realtime video from a webcam
- This source code is implementation of grabbing and processing image with OpenCV from IP Camera. The IP camera is accessed using TVideoGrabber library. You can download the trial version free from it official website. Then, you can grab and process th
- opencv sample code to capture video from webcam
- Hi i have uplaoded some opencv ex code heere- Hi i have uplaoded some opencv ex code heere....
- This program is a opencv code which will display the intensity levels of any gray scale image. pls don t forget to edit the image name.. compiled on ubuntu8.04-This program is a opencv code which will display the intensity levels of any gray scal
- This a opencv code which will write one(255) to all the pixels.Hence when u display the image after overwriting u wull see white image.If u write 0 u will see balck image.If u write 100 u will see brown image-This is a opencv code which will write on
- The calibration file contains a source code developed on Visual C++ 2008, we have used the OpenCV library for import and process the stereo input images. This code generate un text file that contains the estimated parameters for calibration.
- Hand Detection and Fingers Recognition using OpenCV.
- Optical Flow Demo, shows how easy is to write simple code using OpenCV to detect move-Optical Flow Demo, shows how easy is to write simple code using OpenCV to detect move..
- Code to tracking objects with Opencv
- opencv example code for transformation
- Sparse OpticalFlow Demo程序,可以从一段视屏或者摄像头中中建立光流。需要安装OPENCV 附属library。然后安装到任何C++编译器下,即可使用-OpenCV optical flow source code,Create optical flow from video or web cam. Need to install openCVlibary into any C++ compiler.
- 用摄像头采集人脸图像并进行识别,是基于opencv实现的。-This code is used to capture the video of a person s face and detect it by comparing the image detected with those already stored in the files.
- delphi s pascal code for opencv
- c plus code for opencv-c plus plus code for opencv
- 本代码主要应用于基于CCD相机的实时动态捕捉,并进行了简单的平滑去噪,阈值化处理(This code is mainly used for real-time dynamic capture based on CCD camera, and carried out a simple smooth denoising, threshold processing)
- 截取视频图像并进行图像处理代码包,按帧读取,并进行一系列图像处理,高斯平滑,腐蚀膨胀等。(nterception of video images and image processing code package)