- android控制手机与电脑的连接程序。。局域网连接。原创-android phone and computer connection control program. . LAN connection. Original
- HC-05蓝牙3.0主从一体,开发资料,支持点对点透传,同时可以和电脑,手机蓝牙连接传输数据。-HC- 05 bluetooth 3.0 master-slave, development data, support point-to-point passthrough, at the same time can and computer, cell phone bluetooth connection to transmit data.
- 单片机与蓝牙模块的通信程序,通过串口可以连接电脑与手机与平板-SCM and communication program Bluetooth module via the serial port can be connected to computers and mobile phones and tablet
2. 超声波测量距离和温度(串口方式)
- HC05是一款高性能主从一体蓝牙串口模块,可以同各种带蓝牙功能的电脑、蓝牙主机、手机等智能 终端配置,默认比特率为38400,模块兼容5V或3.3V单片机系统,可以很方便的和自己的终端相连接(HC05 is a high-performance master-slave Bluetooth serial module, with a variety of Bluetooth-enabled computers, Bluetooth host, mobile phones and other i
STM32F407103ZET6 TCP通信
- STA模式:可以将开发板理解成手机,笔记本电脑,需要去连接wifi网络,比如路由器 AP模式:就是热点模式,和手机热点差不多,可以提供一个wifi网络,供手机,笔记本电脑连接