- 该 FAN7888 是一款集成了三个半桥式栅极驱动器集成电 路的芯片,专为高压,高速驱动MOSFET和 IGBT设计, 可在高达 +200V电压下工作。 飞兆半导体的高电压处理和共模噪声消除技术可以保证高 端驱动器在高 dv/dt 噪声环境下稳定工作。 先进的电平转换电路允许高端驱动器在 VBS=15V 时运行 在 VS=-9.8V(典型值)。 当 VDD 和 VBS 低于指定的阈值电压时, UVLO 电路能够 预防故障。 输出驱动器的拉电流 / 灌电流
- 电机故障检测的程序,主要包括快速细化傅里叶变化程序,数字滤波程序,以及一些其他的故障检测程序设计。-Motor fault detection process, including fast Fourier transform of refinement procedure, digital filtering process, as well as some other fault detection program design.
- DTC异步电机驱动系统中逆变器故障工况研究The DTC induction motor drive system with inverter fault condition research-The DTC induction motor drive system with inverter fault condition research
- 变频电源笼型异步电机断条故障诊断仿真Variable frequency power supply of squirrel cage induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis simulation-Variable frequency power supply of squirrel cage induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis simulation
- 异步电机断条故障诊断的细化包络方法Induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis zoom envelope method-Induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis zoom envelope method
- 基于红外测温的异步电机轴承故障诊断Based on the infrared temperature measurement of asynchronous motor bearing fault diagnosis-Based on the infrared temperature measurement of asynchronous motor bearing fault diagnosis
- 基于小波包的无刷直流电机匝间短路故障特征提取-Brushless DC motor based on wavelet packet inter-turn short circuit fault feature extraction
- 此程序为直流无刷报警,主要检测直流无刷在运行过程中过流,过温,过压,还有HALL故障等给上位信号,停机。有效的防止了,电机烧毁。-The alarm of this procedure for brushless DC, major detection of brushless DC during the operation of overcurrent, overtemperature, overvoltage, the HALL failure to the host signal, sto
- 本装置利用故障硬盘的音圈电机作为核心元件,用七颗普通LED等作为显示元件,通过控制电机的摇摆频率和速度,发送显示代码在LED上,利用人眼的残留效应显示时间。-This device as a core component of the failed hard drive voice coil motor as seven ordinary LED display elements, and the frequency and speed of the motor-control swing, s
- 电机保护 源码加SCH文件 avr主芯片,已经批量生产,有各种故障,通讯,模拟量输出等功能-Motor protection plus SCH source file avr main chip, now in mass production, a variety of failures, communications, analog output function
- (1)位置式PID控制的输出与整个过去的状态有关,用到了误差的累加值;而增量式PID的输出只与当前拍和前两拍的误差有关,因此位置式PID控制的累积误差相对更大; (2)增量式PID控制输出的是控制量增量,并无积分作用,因此该方法适用于执行机构带积分部件的对象,如步进电机等,而位置式PID适用于执行机构不带积分部件的对象,如电液伺服阀。 (3)由于增量式PID输出的是控制量增量,如果计算机出现故障,误动作影响较小,而执行机构本身有记忆功能,可仍保持原位,不会严重影响系统的工作,而位置式的输
- 汽车空调控制头的自诊断源码,可以控制器外围的电机故障、传感器故障等,可以直接用于2次开发。- Self-diagnosis Source automobile air-conditioning control head can control peripheral motor failure, sensor failure, etc., it can be directly used twice development.
- 实现永磁同步电机基于旋变的控制 FOC算法 有电压欠压保护,IGBT故障保护,过流,过压等保护(Control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on rotation FOC algorithm There are voltage undervoltage protection, IGBT fault protection, over-current, overvoltage protection)
motor emd
- 小波变换及经验模式分解方法在电机轴承早期故障诊断中的应用(Study on the method of incipient motor bearing fault diagnosis based on wavelet transform and EMD)
- 无刷直流电机霍尔位置传感器故障在线容错控制(BLDC posion sensor tolerance)
- 这是三相电动机保护模块程序,采用电能计量芯片采集三相电流有效值,能判断电动机启动和运行过程中的缺相、过载、轻载故障,运用了反时限算法,能很好的保护三相电机,也可以运用于其它电力参数的监控保护。(This is a three-phase motor protection module program, using electric energy metering chip collecting effective value of the three-phase current, can jud
- 基于TI的TMS320F28335芯片,采用空间矢量脉宽调制技术进行交流感应电机的转速控制;针对电动车用制动助力气泵电机的工作需求,制定了相应的故障保护逻辑及CAN通信功能。(Based on TI's TMS320F28335 chip, the space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) technology is used to control the speed of AC induction motor, and the correspond