- PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card use PHILIPS 7130 chip , is a newly built-in TV card integrating FM radio and TV receiver. You can watch/record TV programs (up to 136 channels) and FM radio on PC. The powerful attached software enables you to & rename
- 本代码已经在proteus和keil2中联机仿真调试通过,可以播放小音乐片段.-The code has been proteus-line simulation and debugging in keil2 passed, can play music clips.
- 基于CCS软件的DSP实验箱蜂鸣器发声,梁祝片段-CCS software DSP based experimental box buzzer, Butterfly clips
- LED流水灯 功能:操纵板上8个LED发光管闪烁 C51文件夹为C51文件实现 ASM文件夹为汇编文件实现-LED flowing water lamp Function:Drive board to give out light a tube up 8 LEDs scintillation The
- 报警声程序 功能:操纵蜂鸣器发出报警声 C51文件夹为C51文件实现 ASM文件夹为汇编文件实现 -Report to the police a procedure Function:Drive buzzer delivery to report to the police a voice Th
- LED数码管显示演示程序 在4个LED数码管上依次显示1,2,3,4 C51文件夹为C51文件实现 ASM文件夹为汇编文件实现 -The LED figures tube displays to play to show procedure One by one in order display in taking care of 4 LED figureses 1,2,3,4
- 将跳线跳到流水灯,可以看到随dis_code内代码而产生的花样变化 C51文件夹为C51文件实现 ASM文件夹为汇编文件实现-Jump the jumper wire to the flowing water lamp, can see with code inside the dis_code but the pattern change of creation The C51 document clips to carry out for the C
- 语音录放模块由语音录放芯片ISD2560及其外围电路组成。 1、模块上P/-R、PD 、CA0插孔分别接至实验箱的K1、K2、K3,EOM接实验箱指示灯L1,CE接单脉冲P-。 2、将K1、K3拨至低电平,K2先高后低。按一下单脉冲P-, L1应熄灭。此时对这麦克风说一段话,然后再按P-,此时L1应被点亮,录音完成。 3、将K1拨至高电平,K3拨至低电平,K2先高后低。按一下单脉冲P-, L1应熄灭,此时可以听到刚才录的语音片断。播放完成后,L1应被点亮。 -The voi
- 利用 SPCE061A单片机,扩展 SD卡设备,实现录放音功能。要求具有下述功能: 1. SPCE061A对 SD卡的读写操作 a) SPCE061A对 SD卡的操作方式为 SPI模式; b) 提供 SD卡插入检测功能,并进行语音提示; c) 提供 SD卡写保护检测功能,并进行语音提示; d) 可以对 SD卡进行初始化、扇区写、扇区读、扇区擦除、得到 SD卡的容量信息等操作; 2. 录放音功能 a) 录音数据存储在 SD卡中; b) 支持多段录音;